Hanging lights


Established Member
Ok so Iv got my free range for my panther and I need some way to hang the basking and UVB and ideas or the easiest way to do it?
Also is there any other like I need for free range besides basking and UVB?
Where is your free range? Can you hang the lights from the ceiling? If not, you could build an arch over the plants and hang the lights from there. As for other lights, if you have real plants, you may want a grow light. Just a thought.
I hang my lights from the ceiling. Is your free range in a safe area that's cham proof? If it's a full time free range you will need to mist, drip and feed your cham.
i know i mist him 4-5 times a day briefly and sometimes he even opens his mouth to drink and right now im testing to see if he like it and he realy does.right now i have huges branches wraped with pothos vines(real ones) but i will be adding more when i get the space:D

EDIT: he also eats right out of my hand
@snipeusa: what jannb means, I believe, is that if you are intending to free-range him 24/7 you need to make sure the area is cham proof and you should consider some form of cup-feeding or unattended feeding.

if your cham gets hungry and you are not around to handfeed him right then, he will start wandering..
Hanging Lights...

During the day, Panther Chameleons prefer to bask at temperatures between 90 and 95 degrees, although in a large enough cage a basking spot in the 100s is not out of the question. It is important to ensure that within the cage, the hotter the basking spot, the cooler the rest of the cage should be. The bottom of the cage should be no hotter than 80 degrees, while the top of the cage should be no cooler than 90 degrees. Because temperature is so important, use of a high quality thermometer is highly recommended.
In small, baby-sized cages, a basking bulb of 75 watts should be plenty, while in larger cages, hotter bulbs such as 100 watts should be used.

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