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Something Cold

New Member
Ive been trying to find calcium powder w/o D3 and every pet store I have been to doesnt have it in stock. So my dads friend who (conveniently enough) works in a pet supplies warehouse gave me a 8 oz jar of Brisky's CPR "Calcium Powder Remedy." Now I haven't heard of this brand before and it doesnt have an ingredients list on the label so I am wondering if anyone on here has used it before. Perhaps I am being a little over-protective but hey its better to be safe than sorry.
Haven't heard of this. If it doesn't have a list of ingredients I wouldn't chance it. Have you tried on line? At a push you could grind down a piece of cuttlefish , the stuf that's sold for birds.
I googled it quickly and I see that it's for birds and commonly used for sugar gliders. Personally I would avoid it, I can find an ingredients list but if it's for small mammals there's a chance it could have ingredients that are bad for reptiles.
I buy mine from LLL Reptile online. I use Sticky Tongue Farms Minerall OUTDOOR formula. Make sure it is outdoor, the indoor had d3.
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