New Member
I'm like, on the verge of freaking out here. I had picked up Earl last night to show him to this lady that stopped by, and he was fine as always. Fed him some worms outta my hand, whatever, he was happy and cool. This morning, I go to get him to let him free roam on my curtains while I do school like always, and he lunges at me! I was like, what the heck? He has NEVER done that. He did it again. Not hiss, but just lunge. I fed him a mealworm out of my hand and that was fine...? I left him alone for an hour or two, covered the side of his cage so he couldn't see me, (maybe he's pissed at me? Idk) and hes making a crap load of noise rustling the leaves, which is weird cause that doesn't happen when its not covered. And I just tried again and this time he actually hissed!? did I do something? I'm so confused and sad. He always loves climbing my face and sitting on my head. Is it because it recently got cold or something? I don't know. Help!