Heat/Humidity Recommendations

Haha call me a luddite but I will NOT wifi-up my home via plugs/sensors/Alexa/Google/whatever. There are gobs of digital security risks there and it's been beat into my brain from my workplace that that stuff is far too risky for what benefits they may present. Where I work is somewhere I can't have my phone, so I only have intermittent access to it while I'm working anyway, so long story short, that's probably not an ideal solution for me (as very nice as it would be to have 😅😅.

I'll keep eyes out for Beman's temp regulator suggestion. I think that's probably gonna be best for me - I do NOT want to overcook anyone! And for my guy being so young, I'm happy to err on the side of "maybe too cool" than trusting him to MOVE OVER if it's too warm.
Totally get you there. I have the Wifi sensors and plugs bug I won't do an Alexa or Google thing. Stick with old school timers then, they work just fine :)

I actually found it saved on my computer. https://spyderrobotics.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=86
Hey there I use the Herpstat for basking temp regulation. Just get the version that works as a dimming thermostat. These work really well if running multiple cages as well. But I would not do more than the Herpstat 2 version. Then you can use one device and it has two ports to control two fixtures... They have other versions that control more but when I looked into them years ago the cords would not be long enough to get to enclosures farther apart.
I absolutely love mine and have had it for quite a few years now. Great because when my ambient temps fluctuate my basking stays where it is set. So if ambient temps rise too high basking kicks off. Granted I am able to control my ambients pretty well but it still makes a huge difference having it vs not having it.
So this one is considered an on/off thermostat. So it will completely turn off the light or on the light. The Herpstat I use is a dimming thermostat. So it is gradual dim up and down.
LOL no worries - just trying to turn people on to some cheaper options. I've had this unit running for a couple of months now and like it.
Here's the pid I'm using along with either a mech timer or smart plug. It doesn't forget your setpoint and proportional dimming. Not expensive like the herpestat. Has functioned great for me. Worth considering.

This is great! A question about it - my lights are on timers... If I bought the less expensive one and plugged it into my timer, does it go back to the set temp when the power kicks back onto it?
IT seems like turning the fan off has helped, and so have the extra misting sessions. I think with some temp control I'll be in a MUCH better place. THat comes on Friday so I'll be able to really do some good checks over the holiday weekend!
Oh I'm so happy to hear that! That sounds great I'll wait to hear from you on how things have looked over the holiday weekend.
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