Hello from CA


New Member
Hello from CA (Photos inside)

Hey All,

Went to the Sacramento show today hoping for some Jacksons chameleons, lucked out and got a nice pair from FL Chams. Female may be preggers, so looking forward to that if she is. Already showing good appetite and feeding on silkworms. :)
If things go well with these guys, you can be sure there'll be a lot more to come.
They make exceptional photo subjects, even for my clunky old Canon G2.





Thanks for looking,
AW SUPER CUTE! I will be moving to San Diego by the end of the year so I wanna know where I can go to meet people about chameleons, and go to reptile shows! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Hello from Sacramento lol

I actually seen those Jacksons at the show! Not sure if that girl is gravid or not but she is a tank!

Congratulations on your new editions the are beautiful!

Love the horns!
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