Hello From San Diego! New to Chameleons.


New Member
Hello everyone! I just got my first Chameleon last night and I believe he is an Ambilobe Panther not exactly sure but I do know he is a Panther. This little guy was found by and old lady in her back yard and was taken to a friend of mines Reptile Rescue and then adopted by me. :D

He was given to me with a small mesh cage, little bit of Repti Bark substrate, and a peice of drift wood, nothing else. I have been reading LOTS on Chameleons and know I am missing quite a few things to make him fully happy. Some time this week I will be going out to buy him a nice real plant and will be rigging up a drip system from cups (I read). He looks very thin to me but again, I am new to these little guys and don't know if they normally look that way. I am trying my best to accomidate his needs and am very STOKED to have him.:D Any advice and help would be GREATY appreciated.






Yes, he is a panther and is a male. I am assuming that is a basking light you got there? You need a UVB bulb asap! Get a reptisun 5.0 tube. Basking light should be about a 40-60 watt house bulb. That cage is way too small! You need to get a cage around 24 X 24 X 48. or 36 X 30 X 18. Get a plant in there right away. Poor guy is probably stressed out and has no where to hide! Make sure you mist the cage to provide water for him. Remove the bark substrate immediately, he may eat it which can lead to many problems!!!
Do you know about supplementing? I know you said you have been reading. Don't want to have to repeat! He is a beautiful chameleon! You need to get a branch up under that basking light so he can absorb the heat to digest his food. Put it about 6 inches under the light. You can also take him outside for natural sunlight if the temps are not too cold. 55-60 would be about the lowest you want to go. I am surprised a reptile rescue would turn him over to you without you being prepared to take care of him. There are alot of things you need to get here!
Yes, he does look rather emaciated. You're going to need that foliage sooner than later. He needs something to hide behind to feel secure, as in that last photo. Dripping or spraying water onto the leaves should stimulate him to drink, as well. Has he eaten yet? Out of curiousity, what part of SD was he found in?
Just real quickly:

Bigger cage - At least 36x18x18 inch bare minimum
Better lighting - Household incandescent bulb to provide a basking spot of about 87F and a Reptisun 6.0 linear UVB bulb
Plants - I know you know but ficus, schefflera, hibiscus will all do the trick
Substrate - Get rid of the bark. You don't need any substrate at all.
Water - Please do set up a drip system, however you plan on doing it. Also remember to mist his cage to boost humidity and allow him to clear his eyes.

Please keep us up to date on what you're doing to provide the right environment. You've got a lot to do but I just wanted to get you going with some quick advice. Good luck and he's a gorgeous chameleon!
Welcome to our cham family!!!!

lets get to it then;)

i know u got the cage with him, but that cage is way to small, please when you can , get a much large cage like a 24" x 24" x 48" screen cage


u need a linear tube uvb 5.0 reptisun light is recommended,

i possible get a a thermometer(digital) and humdity gauge, (temps should b 70-80 degress, and heat lamp area no more than 90 degress...

buy some crickets and superworms, and silkworms and hormworms...to put his weight back.....dont get meal worms, not really recommended and if you do feed him to it once in a while.....im sure i forgot other stuff to mention but good luck and maybe a vet check is in order ,to see how he is doing overall????

hope this helps
Yeah no doubt...get that substrate out and get a plant in there dude.. mist him with a waterbottle dont use a spare empty kitchen/house cleaner bottle and hit the dollar store they are bound to have them ..the cage is way to small >.< what are you feeding him?
Yeah no doubt...get that substrate out and get a plant in there dude.. mist him with a waterbottle dont use a spare empty kitchen/house cleaner bottle and hit the dollar store they are bound to have them ..the cage is way to small >.< what are you feeding him?

that dude is a lady;)
He is beautiful but......

As others have already stated if you wish for him to be healthy you must get your set up and care correct... this means proper feeding & supplementation, proper lighting, and proper enclosure of screen and appropriate size also proper humidity.

Here are a few links for you to read that will be very helpful to you with basic care information:



Oh, and welcome to the Forums you are definatley in the right place to learn how to properly care for you new family member! Good luck he really is a stunner! :p
Oh and....

As others have already stated if you wish for him to be healthy you must get your set up and care correct... this means proper feeding & supplementation, proper lighting, and proper enclosure of screen and appropriate size also proper humidity.

Here are a few links for you to read that will be very helpful to you with basic care information:



Oh, and welcome to the Forums you are definatley in the right place to learn how to properly care for you new family member! Good luck he really is a stunner! :p

As others have already mentioned at risk of repeating obviously get the subtrate (bark) out of the bottom.... the cage floor should be left bare for several reasons... first subtrates can be breeding grounds for bacteria as well as impaction or choking hazards but also a bare bottom is easy to clean this cut back on diryt & bacteria build up for a healthy Cham! :D
Haha! Thank's Ace, I have a cute male Crested Gecko named Ace.

Most of this I figured I would need to have to do. I have 3 Crested Geckos, 2 Tokay Geckos, 1 Golden Gecko, 4 Snakes, 6 Tarantulas, 7 Firebelly Toads, 2 Parakeets, and 1 Betta fish. I LOVE animals and REALLY want to get this guy what he needs. I am currently trying to work out a deal with someone who has a cage and everything I need to keep a Chameleon happy. I don't have much money at all but I am working on the drim system and do have a couple of spray bottles I use for my other reptiles. I put him out in the sun this morning while but now have him right in front of out screen door. I'm afraid he'll get too warm. I will be going out tomorrow to buy him a nice plant for him but for the mean time I have some fake foliage to help him feel secure.

I have not fed him yet but do plan on doing so tonight when I go pick up some crickets for the rest of the gang.

Lots and lots to get done for him but I assure you guys it will be done. Anymore suggestions would be GREAT and I appreciate everyones input. :D

If there is anyone locally here in SD that would be willing to help with a bigger cage that would be SO awesome.

To answer where he was found well, i'm not quite sure where exactly he was found but will glady ask to find out. My friend told me that the old lady called him and told him that she had found a "lizard" and she thought it was sick because it's eyes looks funny, lol! Again, thank you for all of the replies and KEEP THEM COMING!;)
Yeah, you took on alot with a chameleon! They require alot of care and temps, humidity, supplements, gutloads of feeders insects are critical! They really need a variety of feeders also besides crickets. Crickets are a good staple but there are many other options also, silkworms, superworms, hornworms, dubias roaches. Be sure and get the threee supplements Calcium without d3 and use that every feeding, calcium wd3 twice a month and a multi twice a month. Also you know about gutloading your crickets right? It would be nice if you would list what you know you need to do so we don't have to tell you something you already know!!!!!
To answer where he was found well, i'm not quite sure where exactly he was found but will glady ask to find out. My friend told me that the old lady called him and told him that she had found a "lizard" and she thought it was sick because it's eyes looks funny, lol!

Haha, yeah I'm sure a big panther in someone's yard would seem rather weird. I was curious where he was found because I was introduced to someone at Pet Kingdom last week who had lost her big male panther in the UTC area. I loaned her one of my females to put outside in his cage to try to lure him home and, although that didn't work, he was found in the neighbor's yard a couple days later. I sure hope it's not him on the loose again!
Hello and welcome, I'm also located in San Diego. When you buy a plants you must repot them with organic soil. I recommend happy frog soil from fox farms. You must also thoroughly rinse the leaves to remove all pesticdes and fertilizers. Once your done cover the soil in the pot with smooth river rocks to prevent consumption by your chameleon.
I just messaged my friend asking where this guy was found. HOpe it's not him.

If it turns out be someone's cham then you are doing a great deed by returning it! They are probably heartbroken. The good news is there are plenty of chams that need homes and tons of breeders that have them for sale if you have your heart set on owning one. Good luck and let us know the outcome!
Awesome so I went down stairs and found the mesh cage my First Crested Gecko came in when I first brought him home and it is taller and wider than the first one, it's home made but it'll do. He is now in the larger cage along with his peice of drift wood and fake foliage I just put in. I added the "dripping system" and seems to be working just fine. :D He was outside this morning soaking up some sun but is no in front of our screen door because the sun was getting too strong to be directly in it. The substrate is gone and have a wooden board wrapped in seran wrap to keep the water from getting to it.




nice, he looks stressed out.

are there any sticks you can find out in the yard and wash/bake clean? he needs alot more climbing space than one stick on the base. you can use bulletin board pins and put one on each end of the stick through the mesh.

a couple of sticks out in the yard will go a long way until you get a plant. id run that dripper 4 times a day and get your boy drinking as hes probably a bit dehydrated from being out in the wild

his eyes look sunken in aswell. hopefully you can get him drinking/eating/proper supplements and nurse him back to health
Yes, you gotta get some vines, branches etc and set that cage up high on a table or chair or something! The higher the better and he is sooo low down in the cage. Isn't there somewhere you can find something for him to climjb higher in the cage? He looks so uncomfortable. He must be so stressed out.
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