Hello from UK

I often think things like that too! I reckon ig my glider could speak she'd have a really thick Scouse accent! Lol! Too funny!

Oh, and I am from down south possibly as far as you can get - the Isle of Wight - and I'm far from stuck up!
It is indeed. I think he's amazing. I've read his books over and over and they still make me laugh, cry and go through just about every emotion one can feel. He was a super guy. :D

I LOVE the books written by James Herriot and also the series that used to be on TV. My dad is a veterinarian so his books have always had a special place in our hearts..in fact I think he has a couple of books that were signed by James Herriot.

Also, I wanted to welcome you to the forum..but I'm not from the UK so I'm not sure if it counts...LOL :)
Welcome also a question for you UK guys and gals is it better to have a glass cage and a mesh top for your chameleons I read this on a earlier post on the forums but like your input on it? I don't know the temps in the UK so how is it in the winter? I heard glass was better because it was better at keeping the heat in in the cold days. Anyways welcome from California!
Random thought, with all our different accents wouldn't it be funny if our chams could talk and they to had the same accent as there owner? I just got the giggles thinking of my cham Mia with my geordie accent (im a right strange one i know) :eek::p

LOL that's funny It be cool to hear different chams like that,but if my cham sounded just like me that be embarrassing my voice isn't that masculine for a guy so its like hearing a mike Tyson voice for a guy lol.
I often think things like that too! I reckon ig my glider could speak she'd have a really thick Scouse accent! Lol! Too funny!

Oh, and I am from down south possibly as far as you can get - the Isle of Wight - and I'm far from stuck up!

LMAO i don't like the scouse accent find it annoying, mainly on a bloke. :rolleyes: But a sugar glider with a scouse accent would be funny. Not every1 from the south are stuck up your right but there is a lot of them about. There is some up north but not as many.
Welcome also a question for you UK guys and gals is it better to have a glass cage and a mesh top for your chameleons I read this on a earlier post on the forums but like your input on it? I don't know the temps in the UK so how is it in the winter? I heard glass was better because it was better at keeping the heat in in the cold days. Anyways welcome from California!

I did have my cham in a glass tank with mesh on the top but wanted to give her more room so she's now in an all screen cage, so far no problems. I keep my house really warm any way so when winter comes i doubt i'll have any problems. I read having chams in an all screen in the UK is hard to keep the humidity up but i've not found that to be the case.
LOL that's funny It be cool to hear different chams like that,but if my cham sounded just like me that be embarrassing my voice isn't that masculine for a guy so its like hearing a mike Tyson voice for a guy lol.

Haha it would still be funny. ;)
I love this forum, everyone is so friendly!!
Not all southerners are snooty, I'm not, but there seems to be far more like that down south than up north. I know we shouldn't generalise but I'm only human and we do, don't we.
I love regional accents. They all have their own little quirks and it's great to hear them. I love geordie and scouse.
We're still down here, it's just our daughter that's come up to Newcastle.
We came up last year to spend a few days and went to visit Beamish. Wow, what a place. I loved it. So many memories of my grandparents came flooding back, very emotional but in a good way.
I love everything James Herriot...the books, the films, the tv series, the theme music of All Creatures Great & Small etc, etc. I went up to Yorkshire a couple of years ago and we paid a visit to the real Skeldale House. It was awesome. I could quite happily have moved in! It's not surprising he fell in love with the place, the countyside up there is beautiful.
Oh my goodness I have waffled about so much and all 'off topic' I'm so sorry if I've broken all the forum rules!!! :eek:
I love this forum, everyone is so friendly!!
Not all southerners are snooty, I'm not, but there seems to be far more like that down south than up north. I know we shouldn't generalise but I'm only human and we do, don't we.
I love regional accents. They all have their own little quirks and it's great to hear them. I love geordie and scouse.
We're still down here, it's just our daughter that's come up to Newcastle.
We came up last year to spend a few days and went to visit Beamish. Wow, what a place. I loved it. So many memories of my grandparents came flooding back, very emotional but in a good way.
I love everything James Herriot...the books, the films, the tv series, the theme music of All Creatures Great & Small etc, etc. I went up to Yorkshire a couple of years ago and we paid a visit to the real Skeldale House. It was awesome. I could quite happily have moved in! It's not surprising he fell in love with the place, the countyside up there is beautiful.
Oh my goodness I have waffled about so much and all 'off topic' I'm so sorry if I've broken all the forum rules!!! :eek:

You love the north that much you should move up here :p yeah newcastle is great but like every city it has it's problems. But i do love where i come from, walking down the tyne is my fave thing to do. It's just so beautiful, mainly at night. I love how newcastle is full of history but yet has loads of modern things to like the sage, angel of the north, the millenium bridge and so on. It's awesome, the countryside is stunning to, when i was younger my family moved to a place called Corbridge in Northumberland, full of beauty. Been years since i went to Beamish, used to go on school trips there all the time.

The forum is cool and nice people here who make you feel very welcome, bet you can't wait to get your chameleon? You'll be like one of us then, addicted!!
There is no cure mind. :D :D:rolleyes: You'll have to live with the condition for the rest of your life. LOL :p
You love the north that much you should move up here :p yeah newcastle is great but like every city it has it's problems. But i do love where i come from, walking down the tyne is my fave thing to do. It's just so beautiful, mainly at night. I love how newcastle is full of history but yet has loads of modern things to like the sage, angel of the north, the millenium bridge and so on. It's awesome, the countryside is stunning to, when i was younger my family moved to a place called Corbridge in Northumberland, full of beauty. Been years since i went to Beamish, used to go on school trips there all the time.

The forum is cool and nice people here who make you feel very welcome, bet you can't wait to get your chameleon? You'll be like one of us then, addicted!!
There is no cure mind. :D :D:rolleyes: You'll have to live with the condition for the rest of your life. LOL :p

Tell me about it.....already addicted to reptiles!!
I must sort out a signature with them all listed.....;)
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