Hello Leon

Those cfl will not work for basking, you need a regular incandescent light bulb. 60w might be too much unless you can raise it up above the cage. Just make sure before you put the Cham in you take a temp reading and adjust hight or wattage to get the correct temp.
Those cfl will not work for basking, you need a regular incandescent light bulb. 60w might be too much unless you can raise it up above the cage. Just make sure before you put the Cham in you take a temp reading and adjust hight or wattage to get the correct temp.
yeah right now im using 60w
so i'm thinking about getting a misting system any recommend ?
Mistking all the way my friend. Bit more expensive than other but 100% worth the money. There are a couple kits you can get but all of them are the same just different components that come in them but the starter one will be fine for just a single cage 1 Cham.
Mistking all the way my friend. Bit more expensive than other but 100% worth the money. There are a couple kits you can get but all of them are the same just different components that come in them but the starter one will be fine for just a single cage 1 Cham.
Any other cheaper ones than mistking that will do good for now ?
yes there is one cheaper.... Spray Bottle similar to the one Parlor/barber shops use... :D
Haha I actually have a spray bottle and the little dripper but it just kinda builds up at the bottom of the cage. So I'm thinking about buying a less cheaper misting system because mistking even though I want to get one because I don't have a misting system right now only the dripper and spray bottle
Haha I actually have a spray bottle and the little dripper but it just kinda builds up at the bottom of the cage. So I'm thinking about buying a less cheaper misting system because mistking even though I want to get one because I don't have a misting system right now only the dripper and spray bottle

i think u got the best setup now.. dripper + spray bottle.... coz tbh other wanna be mistking copies...is a waste of your money..do not buy any of those shit...u will regret it..
stick with the bottle spray while u saveup for the mistking starterkit.... only downside is monitoring of the humidity and frequent sprayin of the cage as needed to maintain the levels...u could add live plants..(devils ivy) and put em' on a jar with water instead of soil..this helps ur humidity levels.. (y)
Haha I actually have a spray bottle and the little dripper but it just kinda builds up at the bottom of the cage. So I'm thinking about buying a less cheaper misting system because mistking even though I want to get one because I don't have a misting system right now only the dripper and spray bottle
Well what price range do you have in mind?
i think u got the best setup now.. dripper + spray bottle.... coz tbh other wanna be mistking copies...is a waste of your money..do not buy any of those shit...u will regret it..
stick with the bottle spray while u saveup for the mistking starterkit.... only downside is monitoring of the humidity and frequent sprayin of the cage as needed to maintain the levels...u could add live plants..(devils ivy) and put em' on a jar with water instead of soil..this helps ur humidity levels.. (y)
So what you are saying is get red of soil and put water instead lol ?
ooh :( is that a plant dripper??? if SO u need to hack it..like i did on my "plant dripper" that it can go on a cycle...no puddles.. otherwise u need to mod ur cage to cater a drainage system.
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