I just got a low translucent form a breeder about 3 weeks ago. The chameleon is very aggressive. Even after holding him for long periods of time, he still snaps at me. Hopefully someone can help me tame him before its to late.
wow...this thread is giving me a headache!
Your chameleon is still getting used to you at 3 weeks. You need to give him more time and space. Don't try to take him out of his cage unless it is necessary. Try hand-feeding him for now with a cup and then maybe forceps. Eventually he will come to you when you open the door expecting food. It's never a bad thing to be viewed as the food giver. He may eventually climb onto your hand when you reach in the cage. Don't push it though. You don't want to cause any undue stress on a chameleon. This could actually hinder the process of taming him. Good luck!
hi and congrats on your new cham
be patient hun its early days
you cant tame a chameleon but a chameleon can learn to understand that you are not a threat to him.
they are not social animals by nature. he may never liked being handled some just dont but there are some that dont mind.
there are things you can try to help him to feel more comfortable around you.just leave him be.mist and feed him for a few weeks and when he becomes calmer try hand feeding.if he becomes stressed by this then move away slowly and try again the next day.i believe handling should always be on the chams terms not ours.
theres no guarantee he will come to get food from you but being calm around you is good.you dont want to cause stress.hes showing you hes uncomfortable around you.
I've had my Cham for about 5 months. He still hisses at me and won't let me handle him at all. He doesn't run from me. He's not scared of me he just wants his space. I do have a free range set up and let him out everyday. The more he gets out the less timid he seems. I would suggest letting him out often,hand feeding and giving him his space. He may eventually come around, he may not. Just like I have read a million times on this forum patientice. He is a Cham and may never want to messed with but I found having a good free range and letting him cruise around outside his cage is just as cool as holding him.
free ranging is a great way of helping him feel more comfortable and not confined to his cage.i hear loads of success stories whith there chames becoming les timid etc.i always suggest free ranging but missed it out in my earlier post as i was in a bit of a hurry
may i ask how are you feeding him?
a few days without food will do no harm.is he drinking tho? how are his urates?
you dont want to cause unnecessary stress on him.stop all handling him a just leave him be for a few weeks.x