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I need help, immediately. My female veiled chameleon is gravid, and her tummy is very very big this time. I have dealt with her being gravid before, so I know exactly what to do. But she fell in her cage, due to how big her stomach is. I THINK she broke her spine or a rib or something cause she wont hold onto anything with her back legs anymore, and her tail is limp.. like a string. I DO NOT have the money for this. If it was something small, I could.. but I do not have the money for a big surgery that I know she needs. Is there ANYTHING I can do, I live in Springfield Oregon, so I called all the animal hospitals that can help, most said euthanasia was the best they can do, and that surgery is expensive. I NEED HELP. I have no money for this. Is there ANYWAY I can make her lay her eggs at all? Anyway I can help her? PLEASE.
Oh god, that's horrible, I'm so sorry. The only thing that might make her lay despite her condition is a shot of oxytocin, and only a vet can provide that. Other than surgery to remove the eggs, I have no idea what to do, and that wouldn't help fix whatever is wrong with her physically. If this were any other animal I would suggest that you find a rescue who could take and heal her, but reptile rescues are few and far between.

I am so sorry, this is a tough spot to be in.
Them not laying is one thing. And them being broken is another.. but both at the same time is agonizing. I know that if she made it and healed, I would take her to a rescue.. I would not keep her, after this incident, I have decided to stay away from female reptiles. I understand now that this is far too much stress, and I will do EVERYTHING in my power to help her, because I am responsible for her, her life is in my hands. The ONLY thing I can think of is euthanasia.. I feel like surgery and anything broken is just too much for her tiny body to handle. She does not deserve this pain and anxiety.
You need to get her to a vet ASAP and discuss your situation. A vet will give you options and help you decide what you can afford. Meantime your little one is suffering. Good luck with what you decide.
I know, but they literally wont help if I do not have money. This is killing me. Watching her suffer.
I'm not sure what you mean by a university. The only one I can think of is our local university, and I don't think they could do anything for me.
Zoo vet? If she broke her spine, oxytocin might not be of any help either, as the nerves for sending the "lay eggs" signal may be too damaged.

I am soooo sorry this has happened; what a horrifying thing for you and your cham!
Me personally I'd take the cham to the vet. My last cham had a ton of problems with him and I spent everything I had on him. I can't see animals in pain and knowing I'm the only thing to help them. If your cham was a dog, i'm sure you'd take your dog to the vet. A life is precious and should always be given a chance. You can work out payment plans, your vet can even give you a break down of the costs, treatments, etc.

This is a touchy subject, but I feel that it needs to be taken care of immediately. If your cham is gravid and has a broken spine at the same time, she's suffering to death.

If you're not willing to spend a few hundred bucks then euthanize her. It's probably the most humane thing to do at this point if you're not willing to give her the proper treatments.

Keep us posted with what you decide on doing. You can also leave us the city you reside in so members can look up herp vets in your area.

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