Help! He wont eat!

i'm going over to meet the people that you got your silkworms from today. My girlfriend might actually get a job there. They seem like nice people, the owner wants me to bring my cham by to take a look at him. He keeps reptiles and chams, and he thinks he can get him back eating normal and back up to color :D. I'm not bringing him up there today but next week i think im going to bring him up there. I'll let you know what i think of them and their product! I wish i would have known about them when i had my pigmy cham. D: Also they sell moths there that ARE cham safe. I am going to get a few of those today, ill let you know how my guy likes them. How is yours eating?
Oh nice! Yeah let me know what you think of the place. I was able to get Rex to eat 2 meal worms from my hand this morning. Still no crickets or roaches though. And he doesn't seem to be interested in the food cup. I sent them an email asking when my worms would ship, haven't heard back yet.
Well it turns out that their email went to my spam folder. Got a message that my order should be going out today! When will yours arrive? Has he eaten more on his own? Rex didn't eat today but he ate 3 meal worms yesterday.
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