Help need suggestions...


New Member
So my little Sunny turned out to be a girly girl and has offered to give me a male baby from any one of their sires. Sunny came from Slick and I want a nice compliment to her. Please give me suggestions they said they had babies available from every sire. I'm really stoked about it and thats good business on chams101 for real.
I would go on Mr. Bluebird, that guy just glows.:) Any of those with Sunny should be a winner. You can't be sorry you got sunny, she is just perfect. I want to know what you decide. Also are all the babies the same age? You might want one close to the age Sunny is as long as it is not related.
I agree with Laurie.
I would even go on to say that you want not only unrelated stock, but of the same type of panther (if sunny is an ambilobe, then you want another ambilobe of unrelated stock).

why unrelated? well you might just want to breed them down the road.
why the same type? well, so no cross breeding will happen if you or others down the road don't like crosses.

Def go with The Riddler!! They dont have his picture on there but if I was you I would request to see a pic of him. He is a nice looking Cham!
Crush makes me drool. He is a really nice looking Cham and pictures don't do him justice. I also like Mr. Ambanja, but you probably want to stick with an ambilobe.
Good match

Hey Chris this male is not on the site but offspring from him would be a perfect match for a female from Slick. When he fires up his back ground gets yellow/orange. Same type just blue bar.


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It is good they offered a replacement for free as they should do. I would try for free shipping also to make the deal sweeter. I think that if they are good breeders they should be able to accurately sex an animal or not sell it until they are positive of the sex. Sexing panthers is pretty easy once you know what to look for. Granted a few can be difficult from time to time, but if that's the case hold the animal. Wait until you know the sex before rushing it off.
It is good they offered a replacement for free as they should do. I would try for free shipping also to make the deal sweeter. I think that if they are good breeders they should be able to accurately sex an animal or not sell it until they are positive of the sex. Sexing panthers is pretty easy once you know what to look for. Granted a few can be difficult from time to time, but if that's the case hold the animal. Wait until you know the sex before rushing it off.

I think they did a solid by me. Can't really ask for more I had a problem they fixed it. I would assume that they aren't the only breeder who has ever missexed a cham. I mean look at the girl/boy posts you will see so many different opinions. Support was great they never disputed anything actually they saw pictures I posted the other day and contacted me.
Whomi is from the bluebird line, from the same sire bluebird was. He is beautiful...bluebird would be a good choice...ask him about his nosy be too, told me he bred him with a female with beautiful purples...should turn out quite nice
I think that is awesome that there going to do what there doing for you! Congrats on your soon to be arrival. I think I myself like crush a little better then blue bird though there both gorgeous chams!
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