The baby in the exploded egg was beautifully formed and we thin it survived for at least 24hrs because it turned a beautiful green and started moving its mouth :( pic if interested although extremely sad
Very interested. I promise you I have some that are worse lol!
No, lol.

Would I put $100 on it? Yes.

haha, i'll trust your input then! So whats the cause? and will it infect the others? Is there anything I can do to help the infected ones hatch? If you've got any links or anything about that i'd be very interested!
Also pic incoming...


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poor little buggar didnt even unfold himself or open his eyes but he changed colours, opened his mouth and my partner saw it swallow or something... poor bubs :(
poor little buggar didnt even unfold himself or open his eyes but he changed colours, opened his mouth and my partner saw it swallow or something... poor bubs :(
Ok, those were just nerves twitching. Let’s just say I’m more familiar with this topic than I’d like to be.
Some of your eggs have a bacterial infection.

Chemical reactions are taking place within the shell resulting in a pressure increase. That explains why that one egg “exploded” on your friend while not having standing water in the bottom of you hatch boxes. It is also the cause of the discoloration your seeing.

I want to stress that this is not a death sentence! If I were you I’d move the eggs showing signs of infection to a separate bin with clean media. It is possible some of them will still hatch. As far as the ones that still look good I’d tape up the holes you made and return to the routine that got you this far.

Why do you say they have a bacterial infection?
I've always been told that it's because the eggs took on too much water/moisture and it suffocates the baby and bursts the eggs.
See "died off embryos"... eggs burst moisture&f=false

Also...regarding bacteria...
"If you bear in mind that the egg shell is coated with a bactericidal substance when expelled from the oviduct that is supposed to protect the egg, this is not a normal event."
I've always been told that it's because the eggs took on too much water/moisture and it suffocates the baby and bursts the eggs.
Your not wrong. But excessive water intake is not the only possible cause of bursting. OP says he did not have standing water in the bin. That fact combined with the other issues I’m seeing all point to bacteria, not water as the source. But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be combo of the two...

On the bactericidal substance, like any other aspects of an immune system, certain defenses can and will fail at some point.
So a lot of them seem to have stopped sweating, but some still are... if they didnt rupture, if its over moisture, will the egg survive and hatch if the moisture is better? if its bacterial, what do I do for them? I mean the only thing I can think of is an f10 fog but it'll just make the eggs more wet and wouldnt help if the infection is within.... Also, how do i know when to give up hope? Because somebody said if they sweat but dont hatch, they've failed :(

Thank you again
Also, how do i know when to give up hope?
Never! You never give up on an egg until it is OBVIOUSLY dead, like the shell is beginning to decay kind of dead.

Have you ever misted the eggs during incubation?

You've already done everything you can. You've already verified you have the correct moisture. As far a the bacteria, not much you can do except move the obviously infected ones to another bin. This may help control the spread but I doubt it. Its going to be what its going to be at this point.

In post 17 I said that this is not a guaranteed death sentence and I meant that. Its still possible that every egg you have will hatch, its simply a matter of whether or not they can go full term before the shells fail. Many of the eggs in the pics I provided did hatch, even the obviously infected ones. Again I hope I'm wrong and you start a thread here soon touting your success and how stupid and wrong I was, I truly do.

I don't know what an F10 fog is so I'm discouraging it, lol. Can you please explain it?
Never! You never give up on an egg until it is OBVIOUSLY dead, like the shell is beginning to decay kind of dead.

Have you ever misted the eggs during incubation?

You've already done everything you can. You've already verified you have the correct moisture. As far a the bacteria, not much you can do except move the obviously infected ones to another bin. This may help control the spread but I doubt it. Its going to be what its going to be at this point.

In post 17 I said that this is not a guaranteed death sentence and I meant that. Its still possible that every egg you have will hatch, its simply a matter of whether or not they can go full term before the shells fail. Many of the eggs in the pics I provided did hatch, even the obviously infected ones. Again I hope I'm wrong and you start a thread here soon touting your success and how stupid and wrong I was, I truly do.

I don't know what an F10 fog is so I'm discouraging it, lol. Can you please explain it?
Thank you, I gues i'll try not to think about it and let the chips fall where they may..
And we've never misted them directly but as we weighed them weekly we saw how much they lost so we topped them up with a few drops with a syringe in the corner probably once or twice during the incubation.
And honestly an f10 fog would probably make things worse, you make a ratio of cleaning fluid and put it in the repti fogger, surrrounds things with a clean mist lol
Also with the infected ones should we be dapping the drops off? stupid question probably but its only the super wet ones that go that greyish colour and looks like windows
Went to check the eggs and one is waltzing around tub 3.. so surprised! checked them like 2 hours ago max?! omfg :') so emotional

still surprised none have sank? lol

so pleased i can cry lets hope he survives and is the first of many he seems so strong considering he's already been to the four corners of the tub! <3 <3 <3

so Im going to wait until his umbilical cord falls off to move/touch him right?
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