
New Member
I didnt check to see how many crickets I had yesterday and I didnt buy any so now my cham only got to have like 3 crickets today (one of them a good size)
I need to know if it will be ok if I feed him more later on today or should I just wait till tomorrow because I have work and my work is 30 min away so I have to wait till after work and Class!? which will be around 9 before I get home

Male Veiled Chameleon 6 months
He will be fine...just wait and feed tomorrow. As long as you keep them hydrated they can go w/o food for a while. I have even had to starve one of my panthers, to break him of his super worm addiction. I stopped feeding him for 7 days because he would only eat super worms. On the 8th day he still would not eat crickets, finally the 9th day he gave in and started eating crickets again. Dont worry he will be fine.
A lot of people skip a day each week because the chams don't have food every day in the wild. Your little guy will be just fine if you skip a day.:)
I feed my adults every other day.

But its a good idea to breed at least One type of bug for yourself, so that you know you will never run out (pet stores run out, snow storms hit, etc)
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