HELP pick out my jacksons!!!! PLEASE


New Member
Ok so I was going to buy this jacksons at petsmart but then a day ago two jacksons came into the petco by my house and hes awesome also. Heres some pictures and some pros and cons of both of them. If anyone can help me identify which one is more desirable like there colorings and markings that will help my decision and also the health of them.heres what I know about them . these are two separate chameleons

the first and last picture is the chameleon at petsmart:
he has a teal head and more green body, his back foot is molted together and his horns are shaped weird not sure if its natural or from not getting enough calcium? hes about 7 or 8 inches .

the middle two pictures are the chameleon from petco: just came from vendor two days ago, (not as stressed), has these markings on his side ? more greens and yellows has yellow around his horns and his horns are light and straight.

please help me figure out which one I should purchase this week


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Maybe wait until someone on here has one to ship, or wait until a reptile show? I have purchased from these stores before because I felt sorry for the animal... and it died at an early age from way too many problems due to poor keeping and breeding. It would be worth the wait to go elsewhere :)
Ya I feel bad... I would like to get the jacksons at one of the stores so I can try to take care of it and help the animal I'm planning on getting a panther at the next expo though.
The one in the middle pictures from Petco looks pretty good from what I can see and I think is the better of the two. (IMHO) It is hard to tell to much from these pictures and I agree you might want to check out some sponsors or breeders on this forum before you make your decision. I also hate to see them in these stores as you know if not purchased quickly they will likely decline and die. Even if purchased often the person buying them is not given good information and again they decline and die. :mad::mad::(:( Good luck in whatever you do and I know everyone here will be happy to help you with your new Cham.
These are probably wild caught, which means you will have to treat them for parasites, are you sure you want to do that?
They are almost surely wild caught. Nobody really breeds jackson's on purpose to make money, at least that I've heard of. I have never treated a Xantholophus for parasites. If you house them properly and minimize stress the should be fine without treatment IMO.
wow thank you all for the great feedback that really helps. ya i noticed the one from petco just came in has a better chance of living since he was just shipped but my only consern was to maybe help out the one at petsmart in bad shape .... not sure what to do he does have a great personality but so does the other one so its really is a hard decision. I realize that he may be wild caught so Im going to buy the stuff to de worm him becasue i need to buy it for my cresteds and my friends monitor so i was going to buy it anyways. my local pet store (not petco) has some really educated people who can help me get the right meidicine and they said they would order it to their shop. its going to be a tough decision when I go there later this week . I am not really comfortable with ordering on in i like to see the animal im getting and although its not good to support palces like petco petsmart i feel bad. the one thats in better condition is with a female right now and shes very stressed, so either way I would be helping out the animals whichever I choose. the one at petsmart may have MBD i didnt really get a chance to really look and check i only looked at him for a minute but his horns are in very bad shape.
ya i do agree getting one from a breeder would be a better choice but at this point i feel so bad for both of them, I just want to rescue one of them Ill take the hit of not having as healthy of an animal but yeah the one sitting in the bark is in worse shape the one in the middle pictures jsut came from their vendor so that one is perfectly healthy and is with a female in the same cage right now so I would be destressing her as well if I took him also. Does anyone know if jacksosn keep their blues ?
the one in the middle pictures jsut came from their vendor so that one is perfectly healthy and is with a female in the same cage right now so I would be destressing her as well if I took him also. Does anyone know if jacksosn keep their blues ?

No, she won't be unhappy without him.

Yes, Jackson's with blue coloring do keep it.
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