New Member
Bought approx. 5 month old female veiled chameleon. We were told she had spot on back end of belly across from leg, was checked by vet, was fine. Took her home, next morning her eye is full of white junk. Called store. Was told she was fine in store. I said obviously she wasn't. Was told to get polysporin, try that, if doesnt fix then yes, they will take to vets under 14 day warrenty. The manager claims she was fine. A worker there said she had it in store, they knew that. It got worse. We took her back. We called and my daughter and father went to see her every day almost. I said she would not come back until she was rechecked at vets. We were told she was doing fine, he said he even put some more cream on eye for a couple extra days. He kept her for couple extra days because he said he wanted to just keep eye on a slight discoloration. We finally picked her up, her eye looked a slight bit glazed...thought was just the cream. He then said she went back to vets, was checked, and is great. Also said they looked at her leg and he gave us the cream to continue on leg. Next morning...not even 12 hours later, her eye was full of white goop again and she couldn't see. Same exact infection. We watched her rub it off on a leaf, then her eye looked fine and she could see again. She is still continuing to roll her eye around...only that one. When she does this, a white film covers her an inner covering. She palpatates the shape of that eyball also, never other eye. I called back, he said she was fine. Nothing he can do. I called the vets they took her to, to ask them. They said they saw her only 1x. First time they saw her leg too was when they looked at her eye. She never went back for recheck. That's lie # 2. WHAT CAN I DO? The vets...and mine said i am welcome to bring her in for $100.00 myself. Both times now, I've had her one half a day before this! She went to the vets already! Now what? Help, suggestion please.