New Member
Hey hows it going. i have a veiled cham he's bout 5 and something months old. I've had in in a plastic container, the guy at the store said it would be fine till he grows a little.. with his lights fake plants and some wood pieces. till a couple days ago i go clean his container then put him back, and a little later i started to notice my chameleon was walking around like he was drunk. not kidding this creature looked like it was bar hopping after 40 beers and some shots. and he would go around in circles onto of the wood block like a dog chasing his tail. like wtf man, so he then stopped eating maybe 1 cricket or 2. poop start to turn a little orange, till a couple days ago it started to get more white than orange. i haven't seen that much in a day or two of poop. he sorta drinks water whenever thee **** he wants . umm so now i got a 36 inch by 18 and 18 cage. with a 60 watt bulb and his uvb. and added a live ficus with some more wood still need to get more tall branches. oh oh and i added a rainforest sound thing in the background. someone said that helped is it true. he's looking a little better. he still freaks the **** out when i put him in the cage he starts to climb the walls upsidown like spiderpig. what could be wrong with him