help please


New Member
my male veild is having prblems with his eyes he sits there with his eyes closed all the time he only drinks now when i spray him and hasnt eaten for 4 days now i have been putting poly sporin drops in his eyes to no affect any ideas ?
thanks glen


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Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum so we can help you better.
Yes, please fill out the form as requested and who advised you to put polysporin drops in his eyes? I hope a vet and you did not take that upon yourself. You may be doing more harm than good if that is the case. That is usually not is prescribed for their eyes if they have an infection.
Looking at the photo

I would get him to a vet if you have not done so already.

It looks to me like he has or is sloughing (shedding skin), my guess is that some scales are irritating the eye's and have possibly caused an infection.

In the interim make sure you continue to give him water, and when he opens his mouth try placing an insect in there. :)
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