Please help. My boyfriend sister got a chameleon 2 weeks ago from petco. She told me it’s a veiled. After looking at it I realize it’s a Jackson and told her that. I only knew this because I had a friend who had one and had the horns. She was keeping it in a fish tank with a bowl of water. And a tray of meal worms. She never gave it crickets because she said at the pet store they were only eating meal worms. She did have one heating lamp on it. She also didn’t have any supplements. Her children were constantly picking her up. I talked her into giving her to me. I called the friend of mine who had a chameleon for 6 years that passed away a few months ago. His mother gave me the cage and some stuff like the lights and a few fake plants. I know a lot of people on her are saying glass is not good but he used it for 6 years and not had a problem. I’m asking for help with the right lights I’m using the ones that came with it. I also read temp 70-82 and humidity 50 at day and night temp 60-70 and humidity 100? Of any other help please let me know. Thank you
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