I have only had my set up with my new little veiled chameleon girl for a week and a half. My husband got her for me as a wonderful surprise for Valentine'a day. I've always wanted a chameleon but never thought I'd actually be able to get one. All that to say, I ended up quickly just getting a Reptibreeze kit which is what they had at the pet shop. I started out with both real and plastic plants. The kit came with this thick vine, which I really like the look of, and Jade (that's her name) actually likes it too because she crawls down in at night to sleep. I have about 6 pothos vines in there already, but not enough to totally cover that wood. I have a bunch more pothos in water to get going, so eventually there will be enough to fill it out. In the meantime I wait. Here is my question. I know now that the plastic leaves are bad.. that when she gets bigger she might nibble them. But what about the vine part? Would I be able to just leave that in there wrapped around like it is, and snip off the leaves, then have the pothos grow around those plastic vines? See how she sits and walks across that one in the back? It's the one under the UV light and she does sit there a lot. I know grapevine would probably look better, but I don't want to stress her out by tearing it all out and redoing the whole thing. Could I just cut those leaves off a little at a time and move the real leaves around. ??
The first picture is her sleeping.. so cute. And also, are silk flowers ok to use?
The first picture is her sleeping.. so cute. And also, are silk flowers ok to use?