Help? Rescued Cham with probable follicular stasis

She doing okay! She's still pretty pale and weak but definitely improving and has perked up quite a bit since bringing her home! The food I've been giving her is disappearing so shes either eating or they're escaping into my house lol. She is temporarily in a make shift bin enclosure I improvised as she's still having trouble gripping and the vet said to keep her close to the ground so if she does fall she doesn't fall far. She hates me because I've been giving her liquid calcium the past few weeks as well as pain meds the past couple of days. She's getting closer to her normal coloring each day but in these pics she's brown bc she's cold and angry. Her heat bulb busted this am so I made a mad dash to Walmart before work. Jan Jan do you have any tips or tricks for getting through the recovery process?


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I’m glad to hear she made it. The most important thing it to keep her drinking and eating and keep the calories in her. My girls always stay overnight at the hospital but when the come home the next day they are able to go right on their normal free range. I’ll see if I can find you a link to one of my girls surgery and link it below. It would be a good idea to give her some high calorie feeders such as silkworms, super worms and hornwoms for hydration.
She doing okay! She's still pretty pale and weak but definitely improving and has perked up quite a bit since bringing her home! The food I've been giving her is disappearing so shes either eating or they're escaping into my house lol. She is temporarily in a make shift bin enclosure I improvised as she's still having trouble gripping and the vet said to keep her close to the ground so if she does fall she doesn't fall far. She hates me because I've been giving her liquid calcium the past few weeks as well as pain meds the past couple of days. She's getting closer to her normal coloring each day but in these pics she's brown bc she's cold and angry. Her heat bulb busted this am so I made a mad dash to Walmart before work. Jan Jan do you have any tips or tricks for getting through the recovery process?
Thanks for the update! I’m glad she is doing better and hope for a full recovery soon :)
Hello everyone, I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news. While recovery was going well up until about 2 days ago, she didn't want to eat. Last night her energy was very low and I was able to get her to eat a cricket and take a syringe of water. She seemed to have perked up an hour later and was doing okay this morning. I still made a call to the vet to see if I should take her in and I was told to keep doing what I was doing and bring her in Monday if she was the same. That was this morning. Today I came home from work to find her dying.... right now she's completely listless and breathing every now and then.... but shes struggling and is pretty much unresponsive. At this point I'm just trying to make her as comfortable as I can...
I'm kind of at a crossroads right now and I'm not sure what to do. She's still hanging on by a thin thread. I've called all the ER vets withing an hour and a half and none of them have any vet that could/would see her. The one closest to me has one coming in in 30 minutes that MIGHT see her. At this point I'm wondering if I even try to bring her in? Even if it is to be euthanized? Or of I just let her be here and keep trying to revive with fluids (i know the likely hood of her coming back from this is incredibly low. I just have to do something) I just don't want to cause unnecessary discomfort and stress if these truly are her last moments or I also don't want to sit back and let her go if there is any chance at all that I can do something for her. Ugh
Hello everyone, I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news. While recovery was going well up until about 2 days ago, she didn't want to eat. Last night her energy was very low and I was able to get her to eat a cricket and take a syringe of water. She seemed to have perked up an hour later and was doing okay this morning. I still made a call to the vet to see if I should take her in and I was told to keep doing what I was doing and bring her in Monday if she was the same. That was this morning. Today I came home from work to find her dying.... right now she's completely listless and breathing every now and then.... but shes struggling and is pretty much unresponsive. At this point I'm just trying to make her as comfortable as I can...
I was just thinking about you yesterday...I am so sorry to hear this. As far as continued care it’s really up to you. I had a sick Cham I left at the vets office for 3 days to force feed and hydrate and unfortunately when I picked him up he was worse than when I dropped him off. I wish I would have just kept him comfortable at home. Every situation is different but that was my experience. Hopefully someone else can chime in and give their advice. Again I’m very sorry and I know you are doing everything you can.
Hello everyone. Once again I have some bad news. I'm sure many of you could probably have figured it out but Harriet passed away on Saturday night. I'm terribly sad about the whole thing but I can't think of anything else I could have possibly done. Thank you so much for all of your support and tips and comforting words. I do still have my girl Gretchen so I still look forward to seeing you all in the forums but for now all I can say is thank you to everyone.
Thank you all for all of the advice and support, thoughts and prayers. My little girl has pulled through! The surgery was completed yesterday but they wanted to keep and observe over night. She weighed 75g before the surgery and went down to 55g after they removed her follicles! My poor girl! I'm so excited to get her home.
So happy for you our prayers worked!!
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