Help, worried about my 3 month old Panther chameleon.


New Member
Ive had this guy going on 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks now. Its been 4 days where i noticed more sleeping throughout the day. Im offering 1 week old crickets that have a few 2 weeks or smalls. Keeping a 5.0 t5 UVB on him. And keeping him in a Zilla screen thats 18”long x 12”width x 20”high. I keep fake vines and a few wood branches in there for climbing. Im supplementing calcium with LoD. With the feedings and misting in the mornings and before the chameleons sleep. During the morning today i caught him sleeping and his eyes sunken in a bit. He kept drinking lots of water and moving about. I offered some crickets and the little guy had some interest. Hes still moving and climbing on branches however the eating and the slight sunken eyes worries me. I do see more droppings. Urate is white and poops look normal too. I just dont know whats so off. Could my ambient temperatures be low or high? I have some anxiety towards this.
Hi! It sounds like your supplements may be the problem. It should be plain calcium with no D3 every feeding except twice a month when you use a multivitamin with D3. Baby has too much D3 in his system.
I’m more familiar with veileds so I’ll let someone more experienced chime in with what exactly to do, but stop supplementing for now. He needs to work it out of his system. Make sure he gets plenty of water. @Beman @MissSkittles, is there anything else that should be done?
When they are that young, you keep them cool and no basking light. The UVB light is fine for a 20" tall cage. Supplement looks fine if you are not giving it every feeding. LoD might be once a week for a baby.

What are your temps?
Ive had this guy going on 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks now. Its been 4 days where i noticed more sleeping throughout the day. Im offering 1 week old crickets that have a few 2 weeks or smalls. Keeping a 5.0 t5 UVB on him. And keeping him in a Zilla screen thats 18”long x 12”width x 20”high. I keep fake vines and a few wood branches in there for climbing. Im supplementing calcium with LoD. With the feedings and misting in the mornings and before the chameleons sleep. During the morning today i caught him sleeping and his eyes sunken in a bit. He kept drinking lots of water and moving about. I offered some crickets and the little guy had some interest. Hes still moving and climbing on branches however the eating and the slight sunken eyes worries me. I do see more droppings. Urate is white and poops look normal too. I just dont know whats so off. Could my ambient temperatures be low or high? I have some anxiety towards this.
Can I see some pics of the cham and the cage? How old is this chameleon? No basking light for babies under 3 months old. UVB needs to be set up a specific way as well. If you are using repashy calcium plus LoD this should not be used everyday only 2 times a month say the 1st and the 15th. Then at all other feedings you would use a calcium without D3.

You can add a solo plastic cup with tiny pin holes in the bottom. Set on top of the cage over leaves put ice cubes in it so it does a slow drip onto the plants below it.
When they are that young, you keep them cool and no basking light. The UVB light is fine for a 20" tall cage. Supplement looks fine if you are not giving it every feeding. LoD might be once a week for a baby.

What are your temps?
My ambients in the room go as high as 80-85 lowest at nighttime maybe 70. I do have other various panthers in the same room. I have raised various babies this one is more worrisome.
Can I see some pics of the cham and the cage? How old is this chameleon? No basking light for babies under 3 months old. UVB needs to be set up a specific way as well. If you are using repashy calcium plus LoD this should not be used everyday only 2 times a month say the 1st and the 15th. Then at all other feedings you would use a calcium without D3.

You can add a solo plastic cup with tiny pin holes in the bottom. Set on top of the cage over leaves put ice cubes in it so it does a slow drip onto the plants below it.
Im at work so i can definitely send some pictures when i do arrive. Hatch date was april 14th. And i did give him some w/o d3 before i left today. And i have the linear tubes for UVB horizontally across the top of the enclosure.
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