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I'm freaking out because I came home and his left a alreally huge poop and it smells terrible. Also I attached a picture to help shoe the size. Also there is this thing coming out his holeand I have no idea what it is. Please help me.


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He hasn't really pooped for like a week and at first I fed him meal worms till I found out they were bad for him then I switched to superworms. And its a string like thing. He wont let me near him. Everytime I try to pick him up he opens his mouth and hisses
Here is a picture and I have another question. Are butterworms good for chameleons?and is this what shedding is supposed to look like?


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yes butterworms are fine to feed. That looks like a patch of shedding. The string thing is hard to see but it could be a very thin piece of sperm. If you pull on it very gently it might have a thicker part to it that you cannot see. If the string thing is moving then you have some type of parasite!
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