

New Member
hi ive had my cam for about a week now, so im new to this, i have been feeding him superworms and large hoppers, but you can imagine my surprise when i came down this morning to find one of the hoppers hanging upside down with wings and a hopper shell beside it, a locust with wings, the question id like answered is is this locust to big to leave in viv as it seams 2/3 times the size of hoppers hes been eating, i dont know his age but he is an adult cam, thanx :confused:
My big male loves the adult locusts - their bodies aren't actually that much bigger, it's the wings that make them look so big. Chams look so funny with the wings sticking out their mouths!:D But yeah, always remember to not feed anything larger in body width than the gap between your chameleon's eyes. Having said that, my Tommy has managed to get an xl locust stuck across the back of his mouth twice! It scares me to death!

thanx for getting back to me, i decided to remove it anyway (well i got my hubby to do it lol)as he didnt seem that interested he just kept knocking it out of his way,thats the cam not my hubby, and he doesnt seem that interested in hoppers he does eat them but usually they just crawl over him and he gets a bit aggitated at this, should i try him with something else, he eats two or three superworms, then he doesnt seam that interested he is partial to a bit of watered lettace and i mist the tank 2/3 times a day is this ok for him, thanx again
you shoud try to vary his diet as much as possible ex. crickets, roaches, repiworms, hornworms,silkworms and the list goes on, super worms should only be a treat

thanx thats where im going wrong i only had a very vague details of his feed from previous owner
We can't get hornworms in the UK - they are illegal here, much the same as the US keepers can't get locusts. We can get silkworms, Dubia roaches, etc.
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