Hi, I have recently was given a Chameleon. The people before me gave him very very poor care. His got MBD very bad in his legs but the front two are getting much better. I am just worried about his back two. With the back legs is not able to climb anything so spending time on the ground. I have took him to a vet and the vet said give it time and the rite light and calcium with a good diet it would straighten out. I have done some research online but kinda just want someone to tell me, I am doing good. Lol. Ok now him veiled chameloen. Age I am not sure. Glass cage ten gallon with a screen topper with makes it a 20 gal. Tall. Lights one is a tropical day light and other is 10. UVB. No live plants still doing some research on them. But has two false plants and some walking sticks. Cage temperature stays between 85 to 100. At nite I put a reptile nightlight. So any and all help is Welcome.