

New Member
My 5 month female veiled had sunken eyes today and wouldn't eat. She also went to sleep at like 5 pm. I suspect that she may be producing an infertile clutch for the first time and I am going to put a 12x12x12 laying bin with playsand in her cage tomorrow. I can't directly upload pics because I only have the internet on my cellphone so I relly hope this link works, I took these pics yesterday and a couple of them from like a week ago.
If she's gravid and her eyes are already sunken in, it doesn't sound good. Can you post a picture of her please?
Kinyonga, the pictures are in the link. The second one is pretty dramatic, but the others don't look like there's a problem. Her eyes don't look sunken. They might be headed that way and some extra misting might be in order, but she doesn't look particularly scary.

From what I've read, 5 months is a bit young for a first infertile clutch, but I've seen reports of even younger so it's very possible. Regardless of whether she has a clutch now, you should probably be keeping a bin in with her.
Ok thanx I am putting the bin in today. And the second one I put on because she was mad at the camera and her color pattern was cool :D
The bin should be opaque and at least 12" deep x 12" x 8" and filled with washed playsand that is moist enough to hold a tunnel...but not sopping.

How is she today?
She seems okay so far. I am about to put in her laying bin and I got her to drink some. I offered her a superworm but she wasn't interested
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