
Wow it was great to see everyone pull together to help. I was going to post that I could help with feeders (banana roach nymphs, hisser nymphs) but it seems you have everything figured out!
I spoke to Liddy from Kammerflage Kreations and she said my e-mail went into the spam folder so they had no idea. I guess I should have kept calling or sending e-mails because they got my last one. Either way I picked up some super tiny crickets from the Ridgefield CT pet shop. My little guy is a major escape artist but seems to like to stay on the outside of his cage and wonder up and down.
They are very reliable. I am confused about what you asked them too do. Shouldn't you have set it up first? How is it the biz's fault? You didn't plan well at all. You will be so happy you ordered the cham from them. Once he grows up you will understand.......Put vines up around your house with basking lights and HOPE he stays on them.The delivery process will have him so freaked out any way he may not care!!!Good Luck, remember set up first. then cham it!! JM2C
Isn't that a cool lil pet shop? I don't know how much they know about chams, but when I had my green anole, they knew everything. There was a guy who used to work there who was like a living encyclopedia of all lizards. You could mention one lizard - and he could tell you the scientific name, where they originated from, how long until maturity, diet, number of young, etc etc. He did that for alll the freakin' lizards until I was like "oh, well, the first one you mentioned? I like that one." I hope he is still there!

Oh, and they do have a pretty decent veggie gutload for the crickets. :) Glad I helped!!!
Thanks again for the shop mention, I got tiny crickets but plan to make my own veggy gutload.

So I spoke to Liddy, very nice caring person by the way :D , she called to make sure everything went well with me getting the chameleon and was sorry this happened. What had happened was my message got sent to spam and they did not get it till I called them freaking out. This was a first time instance for them from what they told me. I was glad this wont happen again but, IDK why they wouldn't have checked it from day 1. I understand issues happen in business, I have seen it time and time again. By no means is Kamerfage Kreationa a bad company and recommend you buy from them. My main issue was the fact that I only called a few times and gave up. IDK why there was no VM turned on or maybe they were on the phone. All I know is that both parties weren't doing 100% because we thought there would be no issue. Ed and Liddy Kammer both didn't think this would happen and neither did I. I will admit I did not have the best experience ever and would have expected more but, that's what I'm used to here in NY. It was not the worst experience ever, even though at the time it was turning out to be, I thought they didn't care like most companies and were just pretending to be nice. Now the reason I'm doing this is because I wanted to and Ed gave me a call last nigh, and lets just say we had some words. Both Ed and Liddy Kammer are very passionate about what they do, especially Ed and give it 150% from what I can see. IMO I feel as if I got more help from you guys on the forum then from them, but I dont doubt there willingness to help me whenever they can. Now this is not bashing them in any way or trying to say anything bad, I'm just giving my experience and my opinion on the situation.

Oh and by the way my lil Nosy Be is amazing, my Fiance named him Lenard and the name stuck.

Just for the record, this is what happened:

-I decided I wanted a chameleon
-did a bunch of research
-got the money together for everything
-I went ahead and ordered the chameleon
-was told it would b 3-4weeks before one was ready to ship
-I called a bunch of times and it just rang and got no VM
-I e-mailed asking for a date it would be sent so I could take off
-I got an e-mail 9/8 saying the chameleon would arrive 9/14 and asking if that was ok
-I then sent a response e-mail saying it was not ok and to have him delivered 9/22
-I got no e-mail back by 9/13
-then later in the night, on 9/13, I got a UPS tracking confirmation about the chameleon being sent
-I had no idea why this happened so I called and got a VM this time and left a frantic message
-I then kept calling and got nothing
-I then made a post that I had no idea what was going on and asking for help
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