Hera My New Parsonii Girl

What a pretty girl you have! You must be so thrilled for her to be your cham.... as you are with all your chams! I am so happy for you! :) Thank you for sharing such great photos!
AMAZING!!! She is so perfect and is going to make a beautiful wife for Padre. Fingers crossed for a good future for them. Stunning photos too. :D
I've looked at this thread quite a bit over the last few days. Nothing to add but just wanted to say congratulations, WOW, and what a beautiful addition to your crew!
Fantastic and awesome Jann!! Congrats on this very nice parsonii lady! I also hope that Hera will be a wife for padre ;-)
Thank you all so much for the nice comments and well wishes for Hera. Right now I'm just letting her settle in and get use to her new home. I will think about Padre down the road after she's very comfortable in her new surroundings.
Jann, as you know I absolutely LOVE her and am so VERY happy for you...and Padre ;) She is just fantastic. I look forward to many more photo shoots in the very near future :D:D
Thank you so much Florence, Rob and Jon. Hera's starting to settle in a little now. She's eating and pooping. I weighed her Sunday and she was 318 grams. Quite small compared to Padre's 687 grams. :eek:
Wow that is a big size difference! I know she will be so happy in your home. I can't wait to see pictures of her room when it is finished. Again I am just so very thrilled for you!
If I spend any more time on this forum, I'm going to have a severe addiction going. I just got my first and these photos of Hera are so amazing, I'm dizzy trying to decide what kind I want for my second!
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