He's not growing

I've had my chameleon for a year, but it seems he is not growing. My vet only said he was small for his age, and I know he is male. Is there any reason why he is not growing because I got him on October 2015. I don't know if he is sick or not, because his veil was always bending slightly.

As pointed out above, the members of this forum, including extremely experienced keepers and vets, have repeatedly pointed out the health and husbandry issues relating to your chameleon. Unfortunately you have consistently shut them out insisting that nothing was wrong and falling back on the assessments of a vet who has made health diagnoses without performing the proper tests that would be required to discount the issues we have pointed out. Perhaps you should go back and read over your previous threads with an open mind and actually try to listen to what people have been trying to tell you for the last 4 months?

" If nothing changes then nothing changes " (Spock)
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