Chameleon Enthusiast
I tend to talk a lot and I may have to break halfway thru too, to get ready for work, so splitting this in two.
Also - I’m sure some of what I say has already been said by others, but I just woke up and my brain is too lazy to keep looking back. So pardon any duplication.
- Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon , Male and about 3 months old. I’ve only had him about a month now Age looks about right…he doesn’t yet have his big boy stripes. Just to confirm gender though, does he have very prominent nubs in the backs of his back feet?
- Handling - I try not to handle him as he is new, but i reached my hand below him once just to see his reaction and he puffed up and didn’t like it so i won’t be trying that again soon. Veileds aren’t known for being friendly.
You will want to start building some trust with him though. This will help. https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/building-trust-with-your-chameleon.2396/
- Feeding - Mainly crickets, but he’s eaten 2-3 very small hornworms as a treat. Typically 5-6 large crickets, but if he’s hungry i’ll feed him more. I used to feed him every other day, but i seen online i should let him eat as much as he wants since he’s still growing. Yes! At just 3 months old he’s growing fast and needs lots of nutrition. For about another month, feed him as much as he’ll eat in about 10 minutes daily. Then he should be getting around 15-20 feeders daily for another month and gradually reduce amount and then frequency, so that by the time he’s 10-12 months old he’s getting fed 3-4 feeders, every other day or even three days a week. Adding more variety is best. Many on line vendors sell variety packs, which are great if you have just one or two animals. I gut load my crickets with hearty greens, such as kale carrots etc.. Ok. Not bad, but you could add a bit more. Someone already gave you the graphics.
- Supplements - i dust his crickets with zoo med repti calcium without d3 every feed. and i use reptivite zoo med calcium with d3 2 times a month Perfect!
- Watering - I have a dripper running throughout the day, and a fogger throughout the entire night, still need a misting system but i still mist when the lights turn off, and when they turn on. I mist for 2-3 mins. Yes i’ve seen my little guy drink quite a lot! I advise misting for two minutes right before lights go on and off. You can use a dripper during the day, but only for less than 30 minutes. Let the enclosure have a chance to dry out fully. Many chameleons are secretive about drinking and it actually is a bit unusual (imo) to see them drink a lot. You want to make sure your night time temps are below at least 68-70 before using the fogger.
- Fecal Description - poops are looking good, the white part is mostly white and only about %25-50 orange (this varies) . No, he is still newish and i unfortunately don’t have the income to visit a vet right now, but i eventually will. Fecal check is always good to get.
- History -