Hi, Got my first Yemen Cham Today, first post!


New Member
Hello all

I've been a forum member for a while now, myself and my partner have been considering getting a chameleon since just after Christmas, so i've been doing lots of reading on this forum, which has been really informative.

We've finally got a veiled Chameleon. My boyfriend bought him for me as its my birthday next month, so he spent a small fortune buying the set-up and chameleon! We've decided to call him Leon; he looks healthy and active, and i've seen him eat since we got him home, which I hope is a good sign and means he's started to settle.

Is it ok to watch them when you first get them, or should I leave him be? I know not to handle him, but a also don' t want to freak him out either by staring at him all the time! He's still only little, 4-5 months.

The only time I really ever watch my chameleons is during feeding and mistings.
They are more worried about the food around them then you.
When they are basking and doing other chameleon things I dont normally bother them.
It can be really hard when you get a brand new bet though.
Good luck!
Congratulations on your baby.
Same with Justin, i usually only watch when they eat and when i'm misting. Other than that, i let them be. :)
i'll get my other half to take some pictures soon, he's much better with a camera than me! PLus i've got him in a flexarium so without opening it up and sticking the camera in his face i doubt i'll be able to get a good pictures through the mesh. Soon, though, promise!

We're going to get him some real plants from the garden centre tomorrow, at the moment i've only fot the fake ones. What is the most attractive plant suitable for chameleons do you think? Do any of them flower or are they just leafy?
We're going to get him some real plants from the garden center tomorrow, at the moment i've only fot the fake ones. What is the most attractive plant suitable for chameleons do you think? Do any of them flower or are they just leafy?

the hibiscus plant is completely edible to chameleons (if they choose to take a nibble) and it does well with lots of sunlight. in good conditions, it can flower almost all year round!

CONGRATS on the new cham!

Hi guys

Here's a photo as promised! Do you think he looks nice and healthy?
Great colors for such young age!! Mine didn't start to really color up until he was I think 5.5 months. Congratz! Where did you get him from? He looks fine to me, but his casque is pretty small. Maybe its because hes young.
Is it a problem that his casque is small? it looks a little bigger when he's in his home, I think maybe its just because he's got his head down flat?
Thanks for your comments, its nice to know he's looking good.

We have two reptile shops in our area, the first one we went to was were I got my leopard gecko from, but the manager recomended a glass viv that was completely unsuitable, it was 2ft long by 18 inches high. They also had adult mellers, veiled and panther chams in he largest exo terra's. I know that they won't be there forever, but I still thought they needed more space than that.

The second reptile shop we went to had less reptiles, but they really seemed to know there stuff and gave us loads of advice. The guy here had his own cham too so knoew what he was talking about. The chameleons were £40 more here, but they just seemed healthier looking and a little older, so we decided to pay the extra to make sure we got a nice healthy baby
Looks good, and seems very sensible what you did. I think a lot of people would go for the cheaper option and the the cham would suffer
Yeah, I've done loads of research and I would feel too guilty about cutting corners, they're not really the kind of animal you can make mistakes with either.

I'm really pleased because i've seen him eat four crickets today while I was watching, and I saw him drink too. I was really worried we'd have problems with him no finding his food or refusing to drink.

We got a shefflera plant (not sure if thats spelt right) from the garden centre, and a few more bendy vines his set-up is looking pretty good, i'll post some pics soon

The suns been out today too, and the top quarter of his flexarium is by the window so he's been sat basking and moving round as the sun has moved position, so cute!
dang! I like the colors...I wish my Midori would do stuff like that. she just stays green and dark green with black stripes
They had a female too at the reptile shop and I actually really liked her, she was a bit bigger than Leon, and a really lovely bright green. I would have liked her just as much, but I was advised to get a male because I've heard the horror stories about the girls getting egg bound. I know thats not to say it will happen, but I get really paranoid about these things!

Any comments, contructive criticism about the set-up btw? Didn't want to start him off in too bigger enclosure because he would probably be lost in it and never find his food. We'll move him up to a larger flexarium when he gets bigger
hmmm what happens when she gets eggbound?? no one has told me why its bad, well hopefuly when she gets older I would like to breed her but right now shes only 3-4 months old. I like the set up! looks really nice. its like a jungle looks better then mine!
Females lay infertile eggs from time to time, and may become eggbound when they have problems laying, causing retention of the eggs. I'm not 100 percent sure what the causes are, but I think if they are provided with proper nutrition and environment it's not a common problem. Please correct me if I'm mis-informed.

I don't mean to scare you, I'm just a bit of a worrier!
Just a quick question if anyone can help.......Leon seems to have been really quiet today and hasn't really moved around apart from to catch smoe crickets in his area. Apart from that he's been in the same spot. Is this normal and just part of the settling in process? Will he start to explore after a few days? He's among one of the plati hanging leafy things at the top where its warmer
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