

New Member
So, I've had this setup for a while now and it's been kind of annoying me (LOL). I do see my veiled basking every now and then, but it's whenever I'm in my room. Most of the times I always find him hiding in the back vines of the plant. Any suggestions? Thanks :)


I'm using a 75 watt basking bulb and a Zoo Med 5.0 ReptiSun. Temps at top at about 82 degrees and bottoms are 60-70 degrees.

I'd put in lots of vines, my guy wasn't really going to the top of his cage until I was smart enough to figure I needed many vines and branches. I buy the the vines at the store, cleanse them off and push pin them from the outside in. I can make a pretty cool setup and it costs me about $20. Well finding branches outside is cheaper but these vines make my life so much easier.
I'd put in lots of vines, my guy wasn't really going to the top of his cage until I was smart enough to figure I needed many vines and branches. I buy the the vines at the store, cleanse them off and push pin them from the outside in. I can make a pretty cool setup and it costs me about $20. Well finding branches outside is cheaper but these vines make my life so much easier.

Could you post a picture? Thanks :)
I'm using a 75 watt basking bulb and a Zoo Med 5.0 ReptiSun. Temps at top at about 82 degrees and bottoms are 60-70 degrees.

Your lights are good. How old is your veiled? You may want to bump up the basking a tad, if he's not too young. Adding more branches is a good idea :)
Did you just read my mind Suzi?! I love the forum...after reading and reading and reading, looks like I'm actually occasionally right :D Temp may be too high
I am wondering what you are using to measure your temps because 82 with a 75 watt bulb in a small enclosure doesn't seem right. I use 75 in a large enclosure and my basking temp gets quite high, I use a dimmer light sometimes to bring it down. It could also be the brightness bothering the eyes, although it doesn't appear that way in the photo. The digital ones work much better than the dial ones
If it is panther than 86 to 88 is good, sometimes mine fluctuate a little higher and lower, but I shoot for that. A veiled can be a little higher
Did you just read my mind Suzi?! I love the forum...after reading and reading and reading, looks like I'm actually occasionally right :D Temp may be too high

Lol, all the countless hours of obsessing does tend create massive Cham files in the brain :p
No it's a thermostat and hygrometer all in one to measure your temps and humidity accurately. I have a temp gun that I got at LLL reptile for like $20.00 that I love. I recommend one of those also. Really good to have around:)
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