hope i've got it right now!


New Member
okay.... with reference to this thread of mine, https://www.chameleonforums.com/getting-worried-losing-my-21908/ i think i have it pretty well down pat. i'm hoping i can get two thumbs up on this now.


the lights have been propped up another two inches. Basking area immediatly under is between 82-86.

Dripper placed just on the right hand side of the basking are. And I'm happy to be able to say he has found it and I've seen him drink from it!!!:D

smaller food dish place on the left side of the basking area. and yes... i have seen him eat!!!

Drip pan at the bottom so that the floor doesn't become flooded!

i do hope i have it good now. Temps are up and yes, i have now seen him eat and drink.

To all those that responded to my other thread. many many thanks!!!
you're all wonderful helpful people!
Good job! Now you can breathe a sigh of relief. (until the next question arises):rolleyes:

Good luck and have fun.
High five. You have done it. Looking great.

For regulating the temp on the dome basking lamp, I just have a piece of plywood drilled next to the cage on the table. That way I can move the light clampp and down depending on how hot or cool it is that day.

How did you make that dripper? I like the fact that it has a tube on it.
High five. You have done it. Looking great.

For regulating the temp on the dome basking lamp, I just have a piece of plywood drilled next to the cage on the table. That way I can move the light clampp and down depending on how hot or cool it is that day.

How did you make that dripper? I like the fact that it has a tube on it.

In a previous thread, i think made by sandrachameleon, you just buy some dixie cups, cut a tiny hole in it (With a nail) and push in a 'T' Nozzle, for a fish tank air pump, with the twist in it... and then attach tube to that, which makes it longer so it can go into the cage, i will look and find the thread. :D
K, to make it sound easier... ill redo haha And i couldnt find the thread.

You need, to buy... Fish tank pump equipment - Pump tube, and a 'T' Nozzle Thing for it. You will need, a dixie cup, or more... and if you make the whole to big, it will need non toxic, aquarium adhesive.

Heres what ya do.... You take the dixie cup / styrofoam cup, poke a hole in it with a nail (that is roughly smaller then the 'T' Nozzle from the pump equipment, and then poke the 'T' Into the hole, If you make the hole to big, put some adhesive there, and then attach the tube to the other side of the 'T' and cut the tube to the desired length of the tube. then you have a cup, with a tube dripper on it... Should work... :)

I am not taking credit for it, just helping out, i believe it was Sandrachameleon Who created the thread about the drip system, i made this out of a 2 litre ug, and it worked perfect. hope it works for you :D
The cage looks fantastic, and I am sure your cham is enjoying it aswell!:) Now you need to stop stressing and relax yourself, your earned it!;)
Just wondering if its ok what she did with the food dish? It looks to me like it was cut, and if im correct... i remember reading something about it can cut there feet if they do decide to take a stand on the Sharp, cut dish... ? I was told this by someone, so i got a dif container with a soft edge, that didnt need to be cut...

Correct me if im wrong..


Very nice setup though!! :)
Thank you all, and yes. i have breathed a sigh of relief. Esp now that i have witness eating and drinking, which i had not done in several days. urate today looked ever so slightly yellow, but knowing he is drinking i feel confident it will be white as can be tomorrow!

That is exactly how i made the dripper. i'm a keeper.... and had a beta cup kept from a while back. I like the beta cup because it has a secure lid to minimize spills, but the lid has air holes so that the water will flow freely. it's a hard plastic though and cracked when i was putting a hole in it. i sealed it from the outside with hotglue. (it was determined on my hermit crab site that it's safe, and hermies will eat anything) likewise, i sealed around the aquarium control valve on the outside with hot glue also.

Just wondering if its ok what she did with the food dish? It looks to me like it was cut, and if im correct... i remember reading something about it can cut there feet if they do decide to take a stand on the Sharp, cut dish... ? I was told this by someone, so i got a dif container with a soft edge, that didnt need to be cut...

I had started with a small gladware container this AM but no sooner had I set it up, then I looked over to see him trying to get a cricket from the outside of the container since it was see through. so I took a kids cup and cut it shorter. Perhaps I could run a strip of hot glue around the edge to smooth it out, until I can find something else? I think I have silicone but that takes so darn long to cure.

Good job! Now you can breathe a sigh of relief. (until the next question arises)
Fortunately I've now covered the necesities of life, so the rest of the questions should cause relatively little stress (for me and him)

Like.... just wondering if the cages that LLL sells have the bottom that opens for easy cleaning? this small one I bought second hand doesn't and it's a PIA for changine paper towel and wiping the bottom. that feature is definitely a requirement for his full size cage!

BTW.. HIS name is Hunter. My boys and I were not agreeing on a name for him, so we google famous peoples birthdays. Dont know what day he was actually hatched but the day I got him, was Steve Irwin's birthday. We couldn't agree on a more suitable person to name a reptile after! so Hunter it is....in memory of the Crocodile Hunter!!:)
Crablady, i think what i did was just used a butter container... its perfect, soft plastic... and... yeah i think hot glue should do the trick, shouldnt be a problem. ;)
Just wondering if its ok what she did with the food dish? It looks to me like it was cut, and if im correct... i remember reading something about it can cut there feet if they do decide to take a stand on the Sharp, cut dish... ? I was told this by someone, so i got a dif container with a soft edge, that didnt need to be cut...

Correct me if im wrong..


Very nice setup though!! :)

That was me and that was MY perception of it..also afraid a missed target could result in a sliced tongue...

It looks very nice. Glad that all has turned out well.:)
CrabLady, the cage looked great! only one concern..
Is the vine plant pothos? or a Philodendron?
From your pics, it looked like philo than pothos..
In this case, you need to swap that plant.
CrabLady, the cage looked great! only one concern..
Is the vine plant pothos? or a Philodendron?
From your pics, it looked like philo than pothos..
In this case, you need to swap that plant.

Stupid walmart, doesn't label plants. only as Tropical:mad: i looked on the net on how to tell the differnect and the only realy specified difference was the coloring on the leave. and this did have the lighter streaks (can't remember what it's called.) and the original pot still does. The leaves down at the bottom do, but yeah the ones climbing up are all green now. is there another way to differenctiate? please send any links if you know.

i think what i did was just used a butter container...
you mean like a margarine conainer? (my butter comes in a block not a container) i had one similar (a veggie dip container) and the thoughts were that it was too big. hmmm.... a cream cheese container would be a better size. I'll glue the edges in the meantime.

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