Housing insects

I got some of the cheap disposable bowls from the dollar store and poked holes in the lid for air and put my larvae in these. You can feed them tiny bits of veggies. They will pupate into flies eventually. Now if you’re talking about meal worms or wax worms, just leave them in the containers they come in and keep them in a cool dry place.
Silkworms and hornworms usually come with enough of their special chow until they’re fed off. You’ll just need to keep them clean and empty out the poop daily.
Wax worms can stay in their original container. I do go thru every now and then and remove the dead ones otherwise they stink. You can keep them in the warmest part of your fridge or a wine fridge for a short time.
Mealworms aren’t a recommended staple for chameleons.
Mealworms I put in sterilite bins with the lid off. Get the cheap ones since you don't need a locking lid or much height. I grind non-medicated and diatomaceous earth free chicken feed (check labels) for the bedding in a coffee grinder, a small piece of vegetable for moisture replaced regularly. Waxworms I keep in fridge unless I am breeding them (be careful they can get loose when breeding them, I had some manage to survive in the house for 1 generation much to my surprise.) Butterworms I keep in the fridge but I only have small amounts and they go pretty fast, I haven't tried keeping long term (note: on rare occasion people have experienced minor tissue damage to reptiles correlated with feeding these although no one seems to know why and I've never had this happen myself. I think it must be quite rare). Superworms I keep the same as mealworms. Earthworms I've kept for salamanders and skinks. I used the ones called "European Nightcrawlers". I keep them in moist Cocofiber and feed ground dry foods at the surface. Unfortunately these colonies have a tendency to die out after a few months. It would probably be best to keep two going at a time. They may be a less popular food item and will dry up quickly in most lizard cages, but a lot of amphibians love them and at least a few lizards eat them.
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