How big should a female veiled be?


Mine just turned a year old sometime in March, but I feel like she's pretty small for her age. They should be full grown at a year right? Right now I'm guessing she's about 7-8 inches long, although I can't accurately measure her because she doesn't like being handled. I've read that females can get up to 18 inches so I'm not sure what's going on. I feed her crickets and mealworms every other day and sometimes I supplement it with kale greens.
I've had her since last March, I got her when she was super tiny. I feed her about 15 medium sized crickets and 5 or 6 mealworms every other day.
Please post some photos of her. I would recommend a large variety of feeders and not so many at each feeding. I'll link a blog for you below about female care and a couple on egg laying. She should have s layimg bin in her enclosure at all times. Has she been checked for parasites? She should be fat with all the food you are giving her. Parasites can stun their growth, especially cociddia. Chameleons continue to grow and fill out until at least 18 months old so if she's parasite free and healthy, she should grow some more. Will attach blogs shortly.
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Oh wow, alright. I actually didn't know that female chams don't need a basking light if it's about 80 degrees. This was really helpful, thank you
Oh wow, alright. I actually didn't know that female chams don't need a basking light if it's about 80 degrees. This was really helpful, thank you

I would allow her to bask in the low 80's so it depends on the temps inside your house if you need a basking light or not. If we have a cold winter here in Florida I provided girls with a 25 watt bulb to keep their temps around 82 to 83.
Gotcha, the bulb I have is too much so I'll buy a new one later today. For the laying bin do I keep it in there 24/7? Should I also put a branch leading down to the bottom so she can get to it?
Yes, I recommend leaving the laying bin in at all times. Yes, run a branch or two down to the laying bin.
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