How can I clean or sanitize a screen cage?


New Member
I was given a Zilla cage today from one of my customers along with a light. I'm not sure exactly what he used it for but I think it was used as a play gym for mice or a hamsters. Not to mention it's full of dust. What can I use on this bad boy before putting one of my chams in there?
Steam cleaner, hydrogen peroxide (7% or more, use gloves and goggles), Novalsan..
It's also a lot easier to clean if you break it down into flat pieces and use a heavy duty scrub brush on it...I like to do it in the bathtub. If you decide to go with a strong cleaner such as hydrogen peroxide or a bleach/water solution make sure you rinse it VERY well. I also let it dry out fully in the sun after thoroughly rinsing.
Thanks for the quick responses. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do yet but it's definitely not happening tonight. I'm beat!! The screen cage is just temporary anyways. Going to put my female in there until I can get another set up. Waiting to get my camera back before I can post pics of my two chams and Exo Terra enclosure. It looks amazing.
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