How do you move a Cham??


New Member
So I am moving 2 hours away in a few weeks and was looking for advice on how to transfer my cham? She did just lay her eggs and is needing to be nursed back to health so I hope she is ready by then...

Any experienced movers have advice???
For a drive that long, the best thing to do, would be to set up a box or somthing, with sturdy ropes/branches for her to hang on too. Allow some way for fresh air to get in, and suspend it from the the roof of the car(so the vibrations dont shake her the whole way).
If you make it dark, she will fall asleep for the whole journey.;)
With the eggs, if they are fertile and you are keeping them, use a non-toxic marker to mark them so that you know which section needs to remain facing up. Then pack them as well as you can and make sure they don't move during the ride.
I always just use his baby cage to move him in. I kept the plant that was in there and put it on the bottom of his big cage so it stays alive for road trips. I throw the plant in the small cage, hang some vines, and the throw a blanket or a towel covering most of it so he passes out. I go to and from Atlanta and Statesboro (by Savannah) multiple times throughout the year and its about 4 hours. This has seemed to work just fine so far
I actually have a small exoterrra exploritorium cage thing you can find it on amazon and I used zip ties to put some vines and leaves in there... I put my cham in there i put a dark colored but light sheet over him and buckle his im to the passanger seat in the back of the car so there is less vibrations... put him in the travel cage about 30 mins before he normally falls asleep so he can get settled and ready to sleep then I put him in the car like I said before and we have a stress free ride... I usually just take him in the house and let him sleep in the travel cage till the morning when he normally wakes up and puts him in his home cage.... No problem
I also fold a light towel or blanket under the cage so that it absorbs some of the bounces of the road, but otherwise if she has already laid she should be fine
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