How do you


New Member
attatch fake plants and hold up vines etc in a screen enclosure? I'm used to glass aquariums where you can use suction cups, hot glue etc... How do you hang up a fake plant or keep a bendy fine in place? I've used pictuer wire, inserted through the screen holes and then fastened around at the aluminum edges. It's working fine, but over time is that eventually going to wear and break the screen? what does every one else do?
I personally ha ve used a couple different things. Through trial and error I think that the flower wire or what ever it is that flowerists use in their flower arrangements. You can get from pretty much any department store. I've also used fishing string and trash bag twisty ties. But I don't use many fake plants so I use it to tie together sticks and what not.
I use florist wire aswell, it fits thru the screen perfectly. I actually take a 10' piece then double it and twist it to make it 2x as strong, for a sturdier hold on branches and vines. It's cheap, easy to find and works well! ;) BTW: your can get it at Michael's Crafts, or any other craft/florist supply store.:)

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Thanks! so no one has had problems with the screens wearing through? that's what i was worried about if there's pressure on those little wires of the screen if they would eventually break?
Thanks! so no one has had problems with the screens wearing through? that's what i was worried about if there's pressure on those little wires of the screen if they would eventually break?

None at all, however if the weight exceeds the screens tensile strengh, it could break. Just dont hang a big potted plant from the screen is all. If your going to do that make 2 V-bridals and go around the aluminum frame.;)
I sed pipe cleaner a couple times so it would be soft and no chance of harming the Cham and i found a coil of wire in my garage so i use that and just make sure the pointed ends are outside the cage.
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