How does it look


Established Member
I'm still working on getting more small live plants .I don't know where yet lol but she stopped eating idk why but what do u guys think . I don't get offended I just want the best for her ! Lights r on the way from my luck it got lost


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It's a great start, but I think it's on the smaller side, 24 by 24 by 48 (inches) or 61 by 61 by 122 (centimeters) is the minimum you should do, so if it is not that, then I suggest that you save up for one.
I also think there needs to be a bit more foliage, I would put a hanging one in the corner. I suggest a pothos! A good rule of thumb is that you could look in there and it would be hard to spot the chameleon.
I don't know if you mean stopped eating as in not eating at all or if she is not eating the plants. Veild's tend to eat plants a lot, so as long as they're safe for her, that would be fine, but I am not well versed enough to know any possible (specific) reasons she would stop eating bugs, but I would try a treat bug if that's the case, probably a Hornworm.

Here's the link for the bigger cage btw

Also, i suggest looking at a few Neptune The Chameleon videos if you haven't already, so here's her link too!
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