How does my set up look?


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First time cham owner just seeing what others think of my cage set up? Rescued this dude from a small no name pet store


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First time cham owner just seeing what others think of my cage set up? Rescued this dude from a small no name pet store

It seems to look ok, but I think you should post some more pictures and details about the chameleon itself. The bottom looks very dark and I'm just hoping that you're not using substrate and a still water bowl for drinking.

Also, you may or may not have heard this before, but I'll mention it before anyone else does: You might think you're rescuing these guys from these pet stores and wholesalers, but you might just be setting yourself up for failure with an already sick chameleon, not to mention you're giving a store that mistreats the animal money and cause to resupply it. Again, not trying to guilt trip you here, and I can certainly sympathize with wanting to take a poor guy out of bad conditions, but for the most part, it's best not to do so, especially if you're interested in keeping chameleons for the long run. Better to go through a breeder and help support their business instead.

Just my two cents.

Best of luck!
I have reptile carpet in the bottom for easy clean up. I mist 4 times a day. The bowl came with the cage so I just left it in there
I suggest more vertical branches for climbing. Load it up. Save up for a light fixture from It will make a big difference with your chams health and your pothos. Also invest in a misting system like mistking. It will help with humidity and hydration. Ultimately you should also have a 2x2x4ft cage. The more room the better. Good luck with your new cham
Yea I purchases a monsoon mister and a reptibreeze 24x24x48 cage that will arrive by monday. I plan to redecorate and use the cage in photo as an outside cage. Which light do you recommend? I bought a 24 inch hood for the new cage still need to purchase the light and more decorations.
The monsoon will malfunction after a short time. If you can return it and get a mistking. Do it right the first time. Send Larry an email from Explain your set up and he will suggest what bulbs you need.
Yea, what he said. MistKing is a great investment. The Quad fixture from lightyourreptiles would be perfect for a large cage like the one you just purchased. You make those investments, it'll pay off in the long run.
Seems like you're on the right track though. Keep up the good work and do TONS of research. You can never learn too much about your Cham.
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