I have a 5 month old male veiled chameleon. He is my first chameleon and I have had him for a week already. He is very friendly and sweet. The first day I got him, I unboxed him and he just quickly crawled out of the container he came in and got on my hand and them started to crawl up my arm. I left him in his cage for 3 days. I tried to feed him but after his 3rd day in his new home, he began to eat. I was happy. He ate 11 crickets and 2 dubia roaches that day. I remember he ate about 3 to 4 crickets off my hand and let me remind you this was his first meal since I got him. The next day I decided to handle him and he was cool with it. He got on my hand and began to crawl up my arm, got to my shoulder and then got on my back and then made his way to my head. He also isn't camera shy because I've made several videos with him and I think he really likes the camera
Today is exactly my first week with him and I decided to handle him again. He was cool about it. Instead of handling him for a minute, I held him for about 5 to 6 minutes and he was happy. His green colors were coming out. Now whenever I open my cage, he makes his way from the back of the cage to the front of it. I'm not sure if he wants me to handle him or if he just wants to be close to me. Sometimes when I feed him he will get impatient and eat the crickets off my hand before I can even put them in the cage haha. I love my little guy so much