How has no one invented this yet?


Biologist & Ecologist
Happy halloween everyone :D

I was searching for threads on cage drainage and I was wondering, how is it that no one seems to sell cages that come with some sort of simple drainage system? This is the single largest complain chameleon owners seem to have, and yet no one has decided to act on this? lol Call me crazy, but it seems like that might be a profitable innovation.

Unless someone already does sell cages like that, in which case I just haven't come acorss them yet. But it is a curiosity that we still have to drill holes into our new cages to make them better.
I think it's because making the drainage is so simple. Drill a hole in the PVC bottom of the mesh cages and put a bucket under it.
I know, but we still have to drill holes into a brand new cage, you know what I mean? I rather spend $80-100 on a product that I don't have to do anything to.
Actually several members have tried to come up with a pre made PVC, plexi, etc bottoms with drainage. From the threads I have read, their ability to mass produce these has fizzled out. Basically there isn't a large enough market for them to make manufacturing them financially worth it.
Funny you should mention that. :)

While at the SBCK meeting this month, we were presented with a couple of prototype drip pans for the aluminum screen chameleon cages you often find available. We were asked to evaluate their construction and give feedback about color and so on. A couple of people are testing the prototypes right now.

I am speaking prematurely here but wanted to just respond with a quick answer to let you know a product is on its way. Production will not be a problem either! Very soon I will update the page on my site with a photo and measurement options for both of these products.
Ah fantastic! That's good to hear. It definately struck me as weird that no one was jumping in to manufacture a product to help the draining problem.
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