How high is too high?

The trail and error part is why I want it set up and running for at least a month before trying to get an inhabitant. I want to make sure I get all these parameters dailed in first!
Exactly right. That's what I did, with only minor adjustments. I had to try 3 different basking bulbs, but I had them in the closet, and they'll all get used someplace. I tried a few different arrangements of plants, but that only took a couple hours.

It also gets your UVB through it's 100 hr. burn-in period, and time for plants to acclimate.
Here is the plant and critter area. The empty area on the left is the future location. There is a HVAC register under where the plants are so not too close. Fortunately my wife and I both like it cold at night. I don't think I can get the A/C much below 66 or so in the summer. From November to March it won't be an issue. Frequently in the winter I wake up for work with the house temp in the low 60's. Sometimes in the late fall or early spring I'll leave the heat off and it's been 57-58 first thing in the morning. This time of year is going to be the issue. So I will get everything set up and see what strategies I can come up with to get the cage cool at night.
It's an open concept house. That's the breakfast nook area but the kitchen, living room and dining room are all part of it. The guest room gets used enough that it wouldn't have been a viable option, unfortunately.
It's an open concept house. That's the breakfast nook area but the kitchen, living room and dining room are all part of it. The guest room gets used enough that it wouldn't have been a viable option, unfortunately.
:LOL: Is that what they're calling it now? In my day it was open planning (which I love—big FLW appreciator). That's a NICE (BIG) breakfast nook!

But I get it. Aren't the other inhabitants going to object to those cold temps? (IDK what's in the enclosures on the right side).

For nighttime drops, we've suggested smaller AC units integrated into an enclosure with a quilted fabric (insulating) jacket around it.
I was thinking of some sort of swamp cooler. The wife and one son is all there are. Our other son and his fiance fairly regularly. They are only and hour and a half away.

So 16 inches from the top of the ceramic heat light to the ceiling and 20 from the top of the vivosun. 231/4 from the top of the frame to the ceiling.
I was thinking of some sort of swamp cooler.
I'm not a big fan of evaporative coolers, but... 🤷‍♂️

The wife and one son is all there are.
Sorry, I was speaking metaphorically. I meant whatever you have living in the 2 enclosures opposite the chameleon.

So 16 inches from the top of the ceramic heat light to the ceiling and 20 from the top of the vivosun. 231/4 from the top of the frame to the ceiling.
Shouldn't be a problem as far as airflow. Finish looks nice!

I just completed a tortoise table for the Missus, but I digress...
I'm not a big fan of evaporative coolers, but... 🤷‍♂️

Sorry, I was speaking metaphorically. I meant whatever you have living in the 2 enclosures opposite the chameleon.

Shouldn't be a problem as far as airflow. Finish looks nice!

I just completed a tortoise table for the Missus, but I digress...
Similar concept! "If it's going in my living room it better look nice"! Got it, honey!
Take my word for it. If you are getting Dragon Ledges for a enclosure you already have take the advice on the video on how to install them and do the install BEFORE you put your cage together! Especially if you are DIY retrofitting a full screen enclosure to a hybrid. Had to do a lot of disassembling and reassembling to put the ledges on. Absolutely NOT the fault of Dragon Strand! My fault for being impatient! The ledges, drain pan and hydration mounts are all great! Hopefully by the end of next weekend I will be fully set up and getting parameters down!

I have the day off today so trying to see how much I can get done. Hope to have it ready by tonight except for the mister and the UVB bulb. No need for that for a week or so. The plants won't need it and I'm no where near ready for a Chameleon yet.


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The plants will have to fill in over time but this is it! I originally planed to have the full throttle feeder in the right front but it fit better in the left front. I need to place a couple of more branches near it just to make sure the miniture tree dragon can get close enough for nutrition intake.
The plants will have to fill in over time but this is it! I originally planed to have the full throttle feeder in the right front but it fit better in the left front. I need to place a couple of more branches near it just to make sure the miniture tree dragon can get close enough for nutrition intake.
View attachment 304461
Good job.... Now think about the layout of your branch network... You need one that comes down to the feeder. You need more horizontal ones. Right now the only real areas of travel are the back and top. You want to provide more branches so it can use the entire 2x2x4 space.

And you will want to put plant lighting on now. Not only will it help with growth but your bromeliad is not going to like the dark.
It's amazing because I thought I'd be throwing away a lot of branches and grabbed "more than I'll probably need" and sure enough I don't have as many as I need! Sheesh! Well I'll have to get some more for the foreground and some in the lower part but I've got plenty of time!
Just wondering if there is a "too" high for an enclosure? Ceilings are 9 feet from the floor. Enclosure is 4 foot tall and the cabinet it will sit on is 35 inches. Then I added casters to the bottom to make it a bit easier to move. I will have about 21-22 inches clearance from the top of the enclosure to the ceiling. Plenty enough for the vivosun 4 bulb fixture and the heat bulb fixture, but not by a lot. Seems like it might be too high?View attachment 303919View attachment 303920
The higher the better. That’s a beautiful cage. Chameleons nature habitat is a tree and tree in the wild can get very tall so no height limit except your roof 😂
It's amazing because I thought I'd be throwing away a lot of branches and grabbed "more than I'll probably need" and sure enough I don't have as many as I need! Sheesh! Well I'll have to get some more for the foreground and some in the lower part but I've got plenty of time!
OMG if you had seen my last haul. I literally thought I would have tons of extras. Nope used every single one. lol.
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