How long can a Jackson's play dead?

I am dorry for your loss, its always hard when we lose one of the magnificent creatures. Your husbandry was spot on, Jacksons are more of the dificult type to care for. If you ever want another cham you should try veileds or panthers, especially for your location temps. Stay strong!
yes, it was a bird cage he was in. now he's dead :( thankyou for your help though....

sorry for your loss bro. dont give up on chams though there really great pets, if i was you id try again go to one of the sponsers and and get a nice health cham. if you only had him for a very short time its prob nothing you did just got screwed over with a unhealthy cham. everyone on this forum is very help full and can answer any questions you got.
Damn.....sorry man.......Chams can crash fast and hard.......
Dont give up, theres several people that sell good CBB Jacksons for a decent price.......if interested, I could PM u the contacts email.
So sorry. Your husbandry is awesome. I say a healthier cham is probably out there waiting for you to choose him or her right now!
I would definitely contact the sellers. If you can't get a refund, at least learn as much as you can about your cham before you bought him i.e. feeding schedule, habitat etc.

Where did the cham come from? Was he moving and acting "normally" when you received him? Alert? Actively looking around and watching everything going on around him?

I think drastic climate change, water/hydration issues or toxin intake are the most likely candidates for his sudden demise.

I am curious that you said you were cleaning his cage. If he was only in it for two days, why did it need to be cleaned?
Was it clean to begin with?
Yea def ask the sellers can he go from being fine to you taking him out of the cage for a cleaning and just dying? Heart attack maybe? Weird.
Just transporting it home may have been enough to push it over the edge, This was a very sick lizard when you bought him. Dont blame yourself, I feel sorry for you that this was your first cham experience.

Perhaps some members can help you by, carefully describing exactly what to look for in a healthy lizard of this or other species you may choose, so you can avoid this again.
If any live in your area, perhaps you will find a member happy to meet you and go along with you when you decide to buy another, or at the very least, recommend a trusted seller.
Best wishes :)
Nothing unusual in that, except perhaps actually removing the lizard to do it after only 2 days. I remove droppings immediately as I see them also (daily), but total cleaning (where I move Homer) is only done every other week.
Oh man, that sucks. I'm sorry for your loss.
I have a Jackson's too, and he's actually been a pleasure to own as my first chameleon. I would probably agree with everyone who said you probably got a sick one to begin with, which also sucks. I'd be really sad to hear that this experience has turned you away from Jackson's, and I hope you don't give up on them or chameleons in general, but no one blames you. It's pretty horrible to watch your new pet die.
I am sorry for your loss. I got mine from FL Chams and I just had a litter. I'm not sure what to call it since it was a live birth. I love Jackson Chameleons. I wish you were close enough and I'd give ya one. Where are you?
There were three dead crickets and the cage was beginning to smell a little, so i decided he would like it better if it was cleaned. I contacted the dealer yesterday and he said he was extremely sorry and he will ship a new one right away. I don't agree very well with shipping animals through the mail, but he has done it a lot. He is also checking the temperatures he was shipped in. If he wasn't sick, i definitely think it was a heart attack. Maybe being in a smaller container while his cage was being cleaned? What should i do in the future while i am cleaning his cage? Also, he looked healthy when i got him. At least i believe so. He was very active and aware of his surroundings
I am sorry for your loss. I got mine from FL Chams and I just had a litter. I'm not sure what to call it since it was a live birth. I love Jackson Chameleons. I wish you were close enough and I'd give ya one. Where are you?

I am in key west, FL. I looked at FL chams but they only had 2 females for sale, and i am looking for a male. I would much rather buy one from you than get a new one from the old dealer. Where are you?
Frankly I would suggest not getting another from the same seller. The cham you got was skeletal![/I and also looked overheated and dehydrated. Poor body condition like that wouldn't have happened in two days (well, dehydration could, but your husbandry wasn't bad.) The stress of shipping and a new setup was just too much for the poor thing and I wouldn't want to watch the same thing happen with another from that seller.

Sorry you lost him!
Frankly I would suggest not getting another from the same seller. The cham you got was skeletal![/I and also looked overheated and dehydrated. Poor body condition like that wouldn't have happened in two days (well, dehydration could, but your husbandry wasn't bad.) The stress of shipping and a new setup was just too much for the poor thing and I wouldn't want to watch the same thing happen with another from that seller.

Sorry you lost him!

How can you tell?
I am in key west, FL. I looked at FL chams but they only had 2 females for sale, and i am looking for a male. I would much rather buy one from you than get a new one from the old dealer. Where are you?

I am in Atlanta. They have a while until I could tell ya what sex they are. I posted some pics in the picture section. However, the dealer should give ya another one. I suggest that, then I could send you the other sex if you would like. The live birth is so cool. Just a thought from a crickets live forever in my chameleon cages. Where did you get your crickets from? I've never had a cricket die in the cage unless eaten.
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