How long does it take WC to get used to handling/hand feeding?

Get them both well hydrated before administering anything. The first is a nosy be for sure. The second is either nosy be or nosy koomba. Im almost 100% positive.

What exactly describes a Nosy Komba? From looking at pics on google I would say he looks very similar. But still Nosy beish.
"How long does it take a WC to get used to handling/feeding?"

In my opinion... never.
I own several WC panthers and I give them as much privacy as possible. It's not in their nature to be comfortable interacting with humans, so I let them be and I accept that they will likely be aggressive with me. If I am forced to handle one (for a vet visit, etc.), I make use of a hand towel to avoid getting munched on. If you are looking for a docile chameleon, I'd recommend sticking with capive-bred (WC's are also crazy fast). Trying to force a WC to adapt to a life with frequent human contact will stress the animal out. You may, in the end, be able to turn your WC docile, but in my opinion the stress to the animal during the learning process isn't worth it.
I free-range their bugs as well. WC's are skilled hunters and have no use for cup-feeding or hand-feeding. I have noticed that they seem to prefer worms to crickets, but they'll readily accept either when they're hungry.
All wild-caughts should immediately be taken to a vet (PRIOR TO being housed near your current collection... keep the WC's in a different room until you've been to the vet). Even if the vet says the chameleon is clear, I would still recommend giving it a dose of panacur (or similar) to be on the safe side. Also watch for subcutaneous worms. WC's can make awesome pets, but they almost always arrive with parasites/bacteria and they are always going to rack up some vet bills in the beginning.

Now, as to whether or not you have Nosy Mitsios...
I have several WC Nosy Mitsios (I've posted pics of Pete previously, but I'll post pics of the whole gang soon). None of my Mitsios look anything like the chameleons in your pictures. I'm not saying it's not a Mitsio... but if it is, it's an unusual one. Identifying locales is not an exact science... there are crossovers in the wild and anything is theoretically possible. If I had to guess, I think it's a Nosy Be (or some form between a Mitsio and a Be). In captivity, Nosy Be's are known for their awesome shades of blue... but in the wild, they have a tendency to carry a lot more green and if anything they're probably more accurately described as turquoise-ish. I think it's more likely that you have a heavy-green Nosy Be than a heavy-blue Nosy Mitsio (when Mitsios carry another color, it's usually going to be red or reddish brown). The yellow around the face/eye is another tip that it's more likely a Nosy Be. Mitsios usually have a reddish eye (especially when fired up). In times of rest, the eye is brownish or greyish green. Mitsios usually only go yellow when fired up or sleeping, and they do it all over their underside (from the throat to the back legs). WC Nosy Be's often have yellow traces on the face/eyes (similar to WC Falys). I would inquire with whoever you purchased the chameleons from and ask them more about their involvement with the import and what makes them confident it's a batch of Mitsios. The importer is often relying on the word of someone else about what is in the shipment and where they were taken from. If it's a new importer and the person in the USA doesn't have a prior record of verified shipments with that importer, then there's a good chance the shipment was mislabeled. I would only recommend working with someone who has a proven track record of importing. Even the best of us can't always tell the difference between females from one locale to another (or males in this case), so it's very easy to deceive when importing. When buying WC's, be very shrewd and ask as many questions as possible.
Ahhh, here is the thread.:rolleyes:
Congradulations on your new kids!
Panthers are so much different than the xanth! You are really going to enjoy them! ;)
Best wishes on getting them settled in, and finding names:cool:
Ahhh, here is the thread.:rolleyes:
Congradulations on your new kids!
Panthers are so much different than the xanth! You are really going to enjoy them! ;)
Best wishes on getting them settled in, and finding names:cool:

Thanks Stan! Just waiting till they settle in and ill get some more pics posted of them.
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