How long does the crazy last?


Avid Member
She started showing her colours on Dec 27th.
Shes on day 3 of pacing her enclosure.. ALL DAY. Banging around. I'm worried she will hurt herself (breaking her plants in the process. So much new growth destroyed 😭)
She's off her food for the most part. She has eaten 3 soldier flies in 3 days.
She decided to sit directly under the dripper yesterday.. until she was soaking wet!!!
(she didnt drink until I offered dripps off the mister bottle nozzle).. guess she wanted a shower??!!!
I've been sitting across the room watching her most of the day.
She's making me want to pace with her.
Here are todays colours. The black specks i assume are from her rampaging around her enclosure all day. Every chance she gets, shes using me as a jungle gym too. Normally she only feels the need to say hello once a day. Maybe 5 days of the week. She choses to ignore me sometimes.
My poor hormonal girl is giving me grey hair!!

How long(estimated time frame) is she going to act like a crazy Cham?


  • 20210102_142605.jpg
    103.7 KB · Views: 108
Aww...poor sweet girl has got an ’itch’. For my ladies, it usually lasts between 1-3 weeks. She shouldn’t hurt herself. The plants on the other hand may need a recovery period. Before you know it, she’ll be settled down again and then sometime in the near future she’ll be digging away in her bin. That’s when the real fun some hair dye from now. Btw, she is gorgeous! 💗
Aww...poor sweet girl has got an ’itch’. For my ladies, it usually lasts between 1-3 weeks. She shouldn’t hurt herself. The plants on the other hand may need a recovery period. Before you know it, she’ll be settled down again and then sometime in the near future she’ll be digging away in her bin. That’s when the real fun some hair dye from now. Btw, she is gorgeous! 💗

Its just the things she's trying to climb.
The money tree for instance. The top new growth isn't sturdy enough for her. She is normally cautious. She tests things out.
Now she is rushing.
She climbed the tippy top of the money tree and the branch flopped. She didnt fall. But I almost had a heart attack!

I will hope for 1 week instead of 3. Lol. I went out to my garden and cut her a couple extra grape vines yesterday.
I figured if she wants more options I will give her more options.

Todaybthe pacing has started up again but at a more sedate pace.
I miss the days when she would lay aroun on one branch or another and shoot judgey looks my way.
Those were the DayS!!!! 😏
She is still beautiful and crazy. A little less pacing at least but she climbs down between the flower pots to explore.
She is still marked up from her first day of raging in her enclosure.


  • 20210107_132354.jpg
    168.6 KB · Views: 86
She started showing her colours on Dec 27th.
Shes on day 3 of pacing her enclosure.. ALL DAY. Banging around. I'm worried she will hurt herself (breaking her plants in the process. So much new growth destroyed 😭)
She's off her food for the most part. She has eaten 3 soldier flies in 3 days.
She decided to sit directly under the dripper yesterday.. until she was soaking wet!!!
(she didnt drink until I offered dripps off the mister bottle nozzle).. guess she wanted a shower??!!!
I've been sitting across the room watching her most of the day.
She's making me want to pace with her.
Here are todays colours. The black specks i assume are from her rampaging around her enclosure all day. Every chance she gets, shes using me as a jungle gym too. Normally she only feels the need to say hello once a day. Maybe 5 days of the week. She choses to ignore me sometimes.
My poor hormonal girl is giving me grey hair!!

How long(estimated time frame) is she going to act like a crazy Cham?
is she showing black and blue or just bright colors in general? she could be gravid
To answer my own question. How long does the crazy last??
Well. She is finally digging.
Its only been nearly 8 months of gravid colouring and miserable behaviour!!
She did eat yesterday and hasnt been any more hissy than usual.
Did not expect to come home to her in her bin today at all


  • 20210820_191353.jpg
    211.2 KB · Views: 62
To answer my own question. How long does the crazy last??
Well. She is finally digging.
Its only been nearly 8 months of gravid colouring and miserable behaviour!!
She did eat yesterday and hasnt been any more hissy than usual.
Did not expect to come home to her in her bin today at all
Wow! She’s been hard at work digging out her tunnel. Hope you have some yummy treats for her when she’s done. :)
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