How long to let silicone dry??


New Member
Just would like to know how long I have to let my silicone dry before I put my cham in the cage. He will be here in the morning and I don't want to make a mistake my first day with him. lol. It is the GE windows and doors 1 hour rain ready silicone.
Give it till the morning wipe it down with a damp towel with vinegar and it will be fine!

Sweet! I was really worried about it. I forgot to seal one seam in the floor and I figured he won't be here for another 6 hours so now is better than when he is here. lol. Vinegar. Awesome. Thanks a lot.
The rule of thumb with silicone is, with every mm of silicone = 24hrs of drying time, that's how we do it in the fish tank world.
That time also depends on your ambient room tempature aswell!
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