How long UVB female need during pregnancy.


New Member
I use ZOOMED IG 5.0 UVB for my female chameleon. Now I turn on the UVB 14 hours per day. But she always hide under live plant since she mated. I want to know wether it will affect her fetation? Thanks
I would only have my lights on for 12 hours at most.

Possible reasons for not basking:
- another cham in the same enclosure (the chams stress each other)
- too warm a room and do not want to bask and get warmer
- too much activity around her set-up which stresses her
- no heat lamp

Also, I do not know how far along she is, but she will climb around the bottom of the cage when she is about to lay. Keep the vits. up (especially cal with D3).

Thank you very much for reply

-another cham in the same enclosure (the chams stress each other)
No she is single living in the enclosure.
- too warm a room and do not want to bask and get warmer
Now it is winter, the room is 23C, basking 28C.
- too much activity around her set-up which stresses her
I don't understand fully, but I think No
- no heat lamp
There is one UVA lamp of ZOOMED over the cage.

Now There are two style I am using,One is ZOOMED's REPTIVIT, the other is calcium without D3. Is UVB useful If I choese calcium with D3 ? My meaning is whether UVB work on less than 12 hours if calcium with D3?
She alway hide whether the egg is affected ? Will she die after she lay? Will not she eat and drink after she lay without enough UVB?
Well you need a healthy female to have healthy eggs and a panther chameleon that does not bask (especially at your current temperature) may have a problem going on.

I would try to keep her around 25C with a basking area of 32C. But how long ago did she mate? Can she still see any males from her cage?

Howdy DNA,

I often mention (and will continue to do so :)) that I've found chameleon keeping to be more successful by sticking to the fundamentals. If you stay with husbandry techniques that are proven to work, it greatly reduces the chances of illness. When we understand (Does that ever happen?) our chameleon's normal daily activity for a 1-2 year period then we can try things that are outside of normal accepted husbandry parameters and will more quickly recognize when things go wrong. Those changes could include lighting, hydration, enclosure size, plants, foods etc.

On that note, I'd recommend using a Reptisun 5.0 linear tube (not compact) as a source of UVB when unfiltered sunlight is not available. I don't recommend relying on vitamin D3 supplementation alone. Although you may read that some keepers have had success with just supplementing with D3 rather than using a combination of supplements and UVB exposure, it all comes back to what gives us the best chance of successful chameleon keeping.

As was mentioned already, your basking temps may be low. One of the better ways to really understand your chameleon's temperature is by using a low cost infrared digital temperature meter like: or to measure their skin temperature while basking.
You said she is in a cage by herself...can she see the male or any other chameleons (or other animals)?

Here are some articles you might like to read..."vitamin+A"&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=40&gl=ca

In this next site look under "NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES"...
To chriscarter
she mated the day before yesterday. I think she can not see any chameleon from her cage.(There are some pictures about all my cage in my gallery.)

To Dave Weldon
Your words always be deep so that I need take some times to understand it.
Do you mean that Chameleon don't bask UVB if calcium with D3 in theory, but in fact, I'd better use both UVB and calcium with D3 ? It does not matter even if UVB is used a long time ago, right?

To kinyonga
I have purchased a book named CHAMELEON. But it is hard to read it because of my poor English. I may take six months if I read the book over. at that time, all of my chameleon may die. so I hard to ask the question if I get into trouble the whilst I read that book.
You can take that 6 months to read the book but I would take all the responces here on this form much more seriously then any information you will find on any book. Personally I have not seen anyone recommend a book here and all the info that is posted around is based on experience of avid chameleon owners and breeders that have had chameleons for many years. Most have learned the Do's & Don't by trial and error to what the info they have on here today is much more solid and in dept then anything you will find in a book.

I looked at alot of books but the information that I have found here on this forum is what puts my chameleon in great health.

You will hear this over and over again they are addicting and you will spoil it like a child. Before I even got mine home I spent well over $1,000 in equipment to prepare for her arrival. All the information, products, and specifications that I followed all came from this forum.
You can take that 6 months to read the book but I would take all the responces here on this form much more seriously then any information you will find on any book. Personally I have not seen anyone recommend a book here and all the info that is posted around is based on experience of avid chameleon owners and breeders that have had chameleons for many years. Most have learned the Do's & Don't by trial and error to what the info they have on here today is much more solid and in dept then anything you will find in a book.

I looked at alot of books but the information that I have found here on this forum is what puts my chameleon in great health.

You will hear this over and over again they are addicting and you will spoil it like a child. Before I even got mine home I spent well over $1,000 in equipment to prepare for her arrival. All the information, products, and specifications that I followed all came from this forum.

Oh gosh! There are only 6 interpunctions in your words. I don't quite follow you, sir. because I don't know where is the end of setence. You may have knew my poor English from my words. But I make sure that you mean that read book rather than ask here. and you spent much money before got chameleon.
I have spent money on chameleon more than RMB15,000.
I think it is just different between some people and others.
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