How many do you have??

How many chameleons do you own?

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OK, I am not addicted…I am not addicted…I am not addicted. Well if figured if I told myself that enough it might be true. :D

OK, let me see if I can get this Signature thing down, Let me know if I get it right.
1.1 Veiled, 1.0 Jackson

Male and female Veiled
Male Jackson – will be interested in a female from all the new babies I have seen listed on here. ;)

Listing off all animals in house: 3 cats 1.2, 3 dogs 3.0, 1 parakeet ?, 1 Eclectus Parrot 0.1, 4 hermit crabs, 1 box turtle, 1 tortoises, 1 bearded dragon, 1 leopard gecko, 3 fish tanks, gerbils 1.1, rats 2.0, then the 3 chameleons. :eek:
I think I got everyone. (but the humans - 5)
I think when I first replied to this I had 3... now I have 12!

One Graceful, one Panther, 2 adult Jackson's and 8 unexpected babies :)
Yeah I think I had three as well. Now the number is always changing based on what ones are hatching and which ones are getting shipped out. Think the current count is 39 but I haven't checked the eggs this morning :cool:
well I dork have one yet but my new male panther will be ready around Xmas time.

I actually don't love reptiles but I held my first cham last week and I'm definitely sold.

I'm looking for a good place to find all the pieces I will need for his enclosure. Any good places online in Canada you guy know of?

So far I found the cham, some accessories and now need the lights, enclosure and all the other goodies.

We currently have a 4 year old beardie and 5 fish tanks. My boyfriend wants a snake as well but I get a cham first!
kind of makes me feel like maybe i shouldn't have started a lot earlier, have a Female veiled chameleon at present (had her about 3 weeks and already thinking of getting a panther chameleon) my g/f went from No way are you getting a lizard in this house yadda yadda, to actualy buying Food plants etc for her after she hand fed her. got an old wardrobe in the spare room and some glass left over, can see my making a huge Viv soon.
11 in total. 1.1 mitsio, 1.1 faly,1 female mitsio/ambilobe, 1.1 sambava, 1 female ambilobe, 3 male ambilobe's.
I keep Chameleons with my mom together but 2.2 adult and 3.2 cb´s are my own, with my mom we have nearly 22 chams. Furcifer Pardalis and Rhampholeon Acuminatus.
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