How many do you have??

How many chameleons do you own?

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we have 2.2 veiled, 1.1 panther, :D
--- in the future we plan on buying/rescuing 1.1 carpet, 1-3 pygmy, 1 jacksons, and a Parsons. but thats in the future. i really want the parsons and jacksons and my fiance wants a carpet and pygmy :eek: ---
omg you guys have so many , i wish i could get more in the future ! the next month my femal veiled is coming + one male and female red bar ambi !
i so wish i could find breeders that would have more species to sell :( .
you are so lucky , i admire and envy all of you :p !
After reading all these list of how many everyone has I feel like a hoarder. I must have an addiction to them. I stopped counting at 40 and babies dont count either lol. Now i feel like the crazy cat lady that has her property covered in cats.
Some of you have sooo many chameleons. Must be finding extra hours in the day somewhere everyone else isn't looking... :eek:
maybe its time this poll was archived and a new one started?

I think you're right Sanddrachameleon. The 5+ no way covers what a lot of people have. That could be the second grouping. LOL

I have 13 adult veileds, 18 neonates and about 100 eggs, 4 verrucosus. and 15 panthers.
I think you're right Sanddrachameleon. The 5+ no way covers what a lot of people have. That could be the second grouping. LOL

I have 13 adult veileds, 18 neonates and about 100 eggs, 4 verrucosus. and 15 panthers.

I am glad you said this. I was starting to wonder if I really did have a problem having to many Chameleons. :eek: My numbers are pretty close to yours.
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